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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Coming To Terms With the Electorial Lost of the New Democratic Party

Many of the die hard New Democratic Party (N.D.P) supporters, at home and aboard, have not yet come to terms; with the narrow lost the N D P suffered and the electoral victory of the Unity Labor Party (U.L.P); as was resulted in the December 2010 general election,  which was held in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It will be interesting to note that I came to terms with and accepted the defeat of the N.D.P weeks before, the general election was due.

This does not mean, I no longer want to see the back of Ralph E. Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party, but there are certain things, which are more important than winning a general election and thus changing a corrupt government; replacing that notoriously corrupt government, with a government that consist of a party that has certain elements in key position, which would places that government in the unfortunate position, to exceed the degree of corruption and level of victimization of it predecessor.

My unique insight, awakened my consciousness and alerted me, as to certain profound behaviors, attitudes and practices of the elements in the New Democratic Party, which led me to a disturbing conclusion, which was: to elect the New Democratic Party to govern the affairs of the State, in the last election; was not in the best interest of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Such would have resulted in an even further moral and ethical decline and would have so widen the gap of the community's political partisan dogma; which would have blighted St. Vincent and the Grenadines and propelled the home of the blessed into a political free fall, such as is experienced in Jamaica: where politically motivated violence reign unchecked.

I know that many of the NDP supporters especially those who are realistically and unrealistically expecting an improvement in their present conditions, when the NDP takes over the reign of political governance will say I am chatting foolishness and I am switching political sides now.

However; before I go any further, I must take some time to set the record straight, as it relates to my political affiliation. I am not and have never been a member or an unconditional supporter of the NDP or the ULP. I am a champion of truth, honesty, integrity and Justice and therefore a supporter of Mr. Arnhim Eustace. This is so for the mere reason, I have seen the qualities I hold dear, on consistent display in the life, action and spoken words of the Hon. Aenhim Eustace and by extension; such qualities must be a part of the character of this honorable fellow. This together with my admiration for the Major’s sense of fair play and respect along with my disapproval of Ralph E. Gonsalves' total behavior and general conduct were the chief motivating factor; that led me to throw my full support behind the NDP.

You may be wondering, if my earlier statement as it relates to Arnhim Eustace’s character is true, why did I conclude; electing his party or the party he now leads, would have had a devastating negative impact on the behavior and attitude of the nation’s people?

It is not enough that Mr. Eustace is a man of integrity, strong morals and outstanding ethical values; it is also important that those whom he take into his confidence and those whose judgment and counsel he trust are men and women who are cut from the same or similar virtuous fabric; unfortunately this was/is not so, but this is slowly changing.

Like Sampson, there are those who like deliah, under pretense of love for country, have captivated the attention of this good man. they have cunningly worked their way into his confidence and he have grown to trust their judgment and counsel. They did this by playing the hypocrite’s game. Unfortunately; their core values; political and governmental management goals and objectives for St. Vincent and the Grenadines, are not the same as those of Mr. Eustace.

They are not concern about building a kinder more gentler St. Vincent and the Grenadines; but are hell bent on exhorting revenge, get what the can, to prove other wrong and to making a name for themselves at any cost. It is important to note, that every organization has such people in them, but an organization can only be successful when its leader or leaders knows of the general goals objectives and intent of such people; it is only then that such people, their suggestion and counsel be placed in there correct prospective.

Unfortunately; in the New Democratic Party’s case, such people have weaseled their way into the confidence of this moral giant and they have been slyly spreading their poison around, many have been deceived by the alluring odor of their toxin and are taking deep breaths to the detriment of their integrity and their ethical well being.

Fortunately, for St. Vincent and the Grenadines; God don't like ugly and the stripping process has already begun. Their actions are leaving them bear backside in the view of the public. Now; it is important that you pay attention to the activities in the next few months, these people will be revealed for the snakes they are, for the soft flesh that disguise the rough scales that covers their nasty intent will soon be torn from their bodies leaving them exposed for all to see their true nature.

A Statesman & A Conman: Is it in Their Training or in Their Nature.

Sir. James F. Mitchelle

There are many people, who subscribed to the opinion which says, if they ignore the talents and or the abilities of other, then that persons talents and or abilities will cease to exist; while there are others who think, in order to be honored, respected and or recognized they must first bring to naught the other person’s integrity and efforts. These thoughts are from the minds of those who are desperately insecure and possess very low self-esteem.

In total contrast, to those mentalities that are outlined above, there are those of us who can appreciate the talent and ability of others, even when such talent and ability eclipses our own. The people that falls in this category; understands, there is always room for another talented person. In the poem strive to be happy, the author said, “If you compare yourself with others, you will become vain and bitter, for always, there will be greater and lesser people than yourself. It is advised that we embraced everyone regardless of their skills, talents and ability; to do otherwise, will give birth to envy and selfishness and we know the end results of such character defects.

A statesman is one who acts with the view of the bigger picture; he or she plans for the productive and general enhancement of the next generation, thus ensuring the next generation is left is left in a better position than the generation of which he or she is a part. On the other hand a con man is one who uses trickery, lies and other deceptive means to serve a selfish purpose.

During the 2010 general election, Sir James F. Mitchell: St. Vincent and the Grenadines elder statesman disclosed he was in negotiation with a foreign business entity and he have sealed a deal to revive the St. Vincent and the Grenadines cocoa industry. Had the New Democratic Party (NDP) win the December 2010 general election, this was to be one of the plans that would have been implemented by the NDP government to inject a financial antibiotic into the St. Vincent and the Grenadines economy. Apart from stimulating the economy; such a project would have lend needed help to a ailing agriculture industry and resurrect a dead cocoa industry. Unfortunately; the general elections did not turn out as Sir. James would have liked it to; but there were still the matter of the revitalization of the cocoa industry; a project that was waiting to be fine tuned and implemented.

It is important that we understand, if this project (like so many other projects) is not implemented in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, it will be implemented else where. For these investors, are not willing to wait around or put up with small minds and their petty political games, when there is a profit to be made.

Sir James move, to hold talks with and hand over the cocoa project to the sitting U.L.P government, so the nation and people he spent most of his life serving, can benefit from it, was dignified and patriotic. In doing so, Sir James actually created an avenue, which will do the following:

1. Generate employment

2. Revitalize the dying agriculture sector

3. Resurrect the dead cocoa industry

4. Create an avenue for the generation of immediate and continues economic growth.

5. Created a means to put back some zest into our dwindling export market etc.

What was Sir James to do? I must say by handing over this project to the Government is highly commendable; after all, he invested his time, negotiation skills and of course, his personal resource to see the negotiation to its present stage. Sir James. F Mitchell would have been foolish not to ensure the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines whom he served so graciously, benefit from the fruits of his labor, even while he is retired. To hand over such a project to Ralph E. Gonsalvesl a man who on numerous occasion tried to destroy Sir James good name and character, was a demonstration of class to the highest order.

Do you know it matters not how much you bathe a cat or a dog or how clean those animals are, they will never be comfortably clean unless they lick themselves; if you lock a pig in a palace with streets of gold that beast will always find a way to wallow in mud; even if it has to make that mud itself and it matters not, how extensive the training, you put into modifying the behavior of a viper, it will always find a reason to inject its venom into a pray. In other words; it is futile to expend energy and resources into changing the nature of some things and some people; for they will always be who they are. A person can only pretend for so long but will soon revert to his or her true self.

Last week I saw some recent photographs of some government owned structures in St. Vincent and the Grenadines; what struck me about the photographs was: there was a reoccurring theme in the exhibition. Unfortunately, this theme did not have a positive or patriotic reflection on Ralph E. Gonsalves or his U. L. P Government and it surely did not reflect well on Vincentians. As a matter of fact; what I saw, was a true to life example, of the size of the mental capacity and how unpatriotic Prime Minister: Ralph E. Gonsalves and the Unity Labor Party (U.L.P) Government are.

I saw photographs of what can be considered the remains, the ruins or relics of what was recently built beautiful buildings and magnificent complexes, which was undertaken by the N.D.P Government. These structures were spitefully left unattended so they can fall into severe disrepair. As a result, the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines has quite a large number of dilapidated building and other project littering the country. The chief of which, is the Central Bus Terminal, a project that was financed by the Japanese government, which was nicknamed Little Tokyo and is located in the middle of capital: Kingstown.

What can be responsible for such despicable behavior? I will conclude that this was done out of jealousy, spite and an inability to manage the nation resources?

While such projects are left to fall into ruin, Gonsalves and his ULP government embarked on a futile building campaign, constructing building in key areas to ensure they won the general election. I understand that allowing the NDP’s project to fall into ruins will help to erase from the people’s mind the glory days of the Sir James Mitchell lead NDP administration but how does this benefit St. Vincent and the Grenadines and its people?

I am trying to understand how Gonsalves can justify, spending millions of state own dollars in the construction of new building etc. and was unable to invest a faction of the money in the upkeep and repair of key existing structure, leaving such to fall into utter disrepair. Does this make sense to you? All of these buildings and complexes, whether they were constructed by Sir James Fitz-Allan Mitchell, the Honorable Milton Robert Cato, or Ebenezer Theodore Joshua, are all the property of the government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and all of them must be treated like property of St. Vincent and the Grenadines regardless if which administration implement and saw them to completion.

Can someone please help me understand the logic in the way in which Ralph E. Gonsalves operates? Is he (Gonsalves) ever going to change his selfish way of operating and began to teach the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines some positive values through his example? I am appalled at this present situation.