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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Really Ralph, Really! You, a strong Leader?

Prime Minister of St. Vincent: Ralph E. Honsalves

Delusion is a treatable mental illness; that cause one to hold fast to an unrealistic believe in something that is false or erroneous. Such believes cannot be supported by facts, other logical findings, culture practices, scientific studies etc. Although such disease are treatable; it is important to note that if one who so suffers is not treated in a timely manner, the illness can escalate to a point where the victim may lose touch with reality, find it difficult to interact with his society and therefore may be hospitalize and treated.

Delusion is not an isolated mental illness; in that, in most cases, Delusion is a symptom of a more severe mental illness that must also be addressed with the greatest of urgency. In other instances, delusion is self impose; when this occurs, it is done as a defense mechanism and it aids to protect the victim from some traumatizing event in there lives; a means of escaping some failure or to avoid confronting a serious or impossible task. Self-imposed delusion is also a very serious mental illness and should be taken seriously.

It is quite easy for a rational person to take the views and opinion of one who is suffering from delusion: as lies. The person who suffers from self-imposed, delusional disorder may not be lying; the strange thing about this condition is: the person believes what he or she is saying, is actually the truth. It is a simple case of one believing the lies he or she tells. The deluded person is unable to differentiate between errors and truth. In the head of one who suffers from, delusional disorder; their reality is turned inside out and do not harmonized with societal norms and the reality of rational thinking people.

The Recent exposure, as it relates, to Prime Minister Ralph E. Gonsalves; in an official meeting with the United States of America’s ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, saw Ralph E. Gonsalves bad talking (bad mouthing) his Caribbean politicians. This was done in a desperate attempt to gain the favors of the USA. Ralph E. Gonsalves; the prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; saw it fit, to take his gutter politics, into a meeting that was meant for states men and women; he also took the liberty to use racial terms (Mulatto) in referring to one of his regional colleague; this make the Prime Minister look like a insecure little boy.

The Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive personalities show up in Prime Minister Gonsalves. For when he approached Venezuelan President: Hugo Chavez, with his hat in his hand (hat in hand) trying to encourage Chavez to bad spend Venezuela money on his nonsensical project, he always take the time to shout the praises of Hugo Chaves and ALBA. But when he was before the USA ambassador with his lip puckered up, ready to kiss the posterior of the US ambassador, in what was a private and confidential meeting, without thinking twice; he betrayed his conscience, Hugo Chavez and ALBA. Not knowing, in the same manner he entrapped and exposed his then political counterpart of Stanly John that his double edge personality will be exposed in like manner; revealed to all, the conniving unprofessional that he is.

It is important to note that the US ambassador, conclusion of Ralph E. Gonsalves the Prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines was: He is a master of contradiction. This is the kind or diplomatic way of saying that Ralph E. Gonsalves is a pathological liar.

After all his dirty linens is aired in the public, and after the USA ambassador conclusion of what she though of Ralph E. Gonsalves personality; made PM Gonsalves and the citizen of St. Vincent look like idiots.

Would you believe that after all that had happen; Prime Minister Gonsalves had the hart, the belly and the guts to say, the wikileak exposure make him look like a strong leader. Really Ralph! This exposure make you look like a strong leader? Ralph Gonsalves’ remarks had caused me to confirm my diagnosis of him. Ralph E. Gonsalves is in deed suffering from: associative Delusional disorder.

As if the foregone revelations was not enough, Gonsalves’ disclosure in a meeting with the Caribbean Development Bank, (CDB) where he admitted; the National Commercial Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines had a cash flow problem and would have gone belly up, if not for the timely intervention of the CDB.

This revelation came after months of lying to Vincentian, as it related to the condition of the National Commercial Bank, an institution that was owned by the government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; an institution that was the symbol of Vincentian independence, national pride.

The question that must be answered is: is Ralph E. Gonsalves suffering from self-imposed delusion or is there a greater psychological problem that is responsible for his Delusional disorder?

A Nation Of Failure

The recent re-election of Ralph E Gonsalves and the Unity Labor Party which he autocratically leads marked the rapid downward fall of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, into a pit of irreversible moral practice; Economic hardship and the birth of organize systematic corruption.

It must be understood that the character and action of the head of a nation, tends to impact the moral of that nation’s people. Ralph E. Gonsalves’ behavior has proven him to be a man out of control; one who is on a collision course, a train wreck, just waiting to happen. His action and vocal expression had qualified him to be a man who has not learned how to control any of his appetites. And this is evident from his physique and the many allegations of varying degree that were brought against him.

It is also unfortunate that Mr. Gonsalves, has proven by his action and his attitude to be a victim of that which he personally facilitating and encouraging among the masses. He to, is also a victim of a lack of self-control and helplessness and he has so nurture a nation of followers who has so develop the same bad habits within their lives. Habits, they will unwillingly pass on to their children, creating a negative cycle which will plague generation of Vincentian.

Today Vincentian youths had awaken, in a society of grown boys and girls, most of whom has reached and surpassed the age of Adulthood; a large portion of whom has visited and now dwell in the realms of and holds their Senior citizenship. Yet, they have not matured into the men and woman they were meant to be. They are all suffering from self-imposed mental dwarfism.

This condition occurs when people intentionally forfeited, the opportunity to develop the uniqueness, Yahweh have planted within them. Instead, they seek to be lazy and rely on another for the things they were equipped to attain for themselves. They have refused to face the challenges of life and make the sacrifices that are require for success. They sit back and play it safe, choosing rather to rely on a handout, than to be innovating, engaging and ambitious.

Too many within St. Vincent, have fall into this rot, they have allowed themselves to be strip of the virtue of hard work and sacrifice; instead, with pride they down and models the panhandler’s garb, in order to attain goals they are capable of attaining. Laziness confused them and has caused their little minds to see and pursue what appeared to be the easy way out. However, the easy way out, turned out to be the most difficult journey ever; one that robs them of their self-respect, their dignity and a sense of achievement.

Their lack of fulfillment cause them to seek employment in fields they cannot function in and pursue promotion into post that is far outside the scope of there ability; they attain such at the sacrifice of the country and competent people: now in order to clean up their bad name and dirty characters; they hirer cheer leaders to distort the truth and sing their praises by peddling lies. Trying to convinced intelligent people that the voodoo they are selling, is indeed conventional medicine.

Today, St. Vincent is littered with a people, who have grown so accustomed to getting something for nothing; that in expectation, they have abundant their thirst for justice, their ability to sound an objective voice and they have lost their taste and their passion for truth. These new attitudes among my people have confronted the allegations; which accused Prime Minister Ralph E. Gonsalves of tampering with the common Entrance results, (rearranging the top positions) with wall of silence.

It appears as if our children’s hard work and industriousness was rewarded with indifference and corruption. What messages are we sending to our children? Is this really the legacy Ralph E. Gonsalves want to leave behind? Are these the actions of one who love his country and the people?

Today many of the nation’s youth have walked in the dishonest footsteps of their parents and have skillfully learn how to survive in the corrupt environment that was callously crafted for them. As a result, they have transformed that learnt-helplessness into lucrative criminal practice.

Like their parents, they have refused to develop strong sound character and make an honest effort to attain their goals. They acquire things yet happiness always seems to evade them, they are dishonestly propelled into position, yet they are still not contented with the free ride; they associate with so-call important people yet the never feel like they belong and their friends labels them as successful, yet within, they feel like failures. How sad!

Now the parents and grand parents who by their example, (action speak louder than words) have so able socialize this new generation into an unscrupulous, disrespectful, lawless cohort; are now living in fear.

Pat (Patrick) Prsecod; must be hanging his head in shame for his hope for the country that he love so much; which was expressed when he penned the song “God Bless Out Home Land”; in which he stated: “God bless our homeland fair isle of the Carib see, may Peace and Justice here be found.” Unfortunately for Sir, Pat Prescod and St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Ralph E. Gonsalves by his arrogance, uncontrolled appetites, and his continued efforts to cause the a miscarriage of justice has single handedly shattered this dignified man’s dream for his country. But then again, a people get the government and the society they deserve. The American patriot: President Benjamin Franklin rightfully said- "Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY."