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Friday, August 7, 2009

Is Ralph Gonsalves A Failure

Yesterday I listened to the "I had a dream" speech, which began the obliteration of the USA segregated society. This speech was delivered under tremendous pressure by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. iconic human/civil rights leader who was assassinated.
Honored by the opportunity to share in such a special occasion I immediately had a patriotic review, my subtle thought revealed the strange triviality of my people mentality. ........................................
Many who know the manipulative man Ralph Gonsalves, they would be aware that he is a failure who suffers from an over heightened sense of nauseating insecurity and criticism is considered a personal attack.
For the record and for posterity sake lets now take a brief look at the man and his lack of successes. This is the same smooth talking individual who incidentally, successfully & convincingly manipulated Vincentian into letting him take possession of the administration of the country's affairs.
As a father and husband he had failed to protect his family from the scandals that destroy the self-esteem and encouraged the insecurity of those he is obligated to love and protect: remembering that within every rumor or allegation there is some truth. As a politician he set and created the trend of lawlessness (that today plagues St. Vincent today) when he mobilized and encouraged the gullible leaders of the various trade unions to consciously take part in unlawfully/lawless activities: which put him in the position to take governance by default. Being a poor sport and unable to take a little heckling, he displayed his lack of statesmanship when he showed his middle finger to one of his constituent, and had other fired. .............................................
As the prime Minister he engaged in policies that facilitated the political divide among the people, embarked on unbeneficial capital projects that satisfied his craze to leave a positive mark on the pages of St. Vincent and West Indian history, and thus putting the country in a deficient economic position. .......................................................................................................................................
However he was successful in creating an unsafe, economically unstable, socially weak, politically blind, morally challenged, historically shameful, philosophically deprived and culturally bankrupted place for his constituent to dwell in. But what is the most shameful is the fact that he and his elite appointee are totally void of sound, meaningful and applicable ideas and plans to move the country forward yet they greedily hold on to power. ...........................................................
There are many more areas of failure that could be mentioned here but time will not permit me to go into them. It is known that none of us are perfect, but most of us were though and have learned how to be meek in our imperfection, humble in our failure graceful in our success..............
As it is said misery loves company, so in his hate filled jealously, he try to create many more people that has the professional and social personification of himself. So he create an environment to cause successful individuals, businesses and groups to be placed in compromising position that will ensure that the success they has in their grasp are forcefully pried from their bosoms. The latest examples/victims are Douglas DeFreitas, E.G Lynch and Nice Radio. Ralph Gonsalves took what our Vincentian culture considers petty kitchen talk and like a spoilt child he ran crying to the courts complaining of his hurt feelings; he is such a baby. .......................................
I hope that after baby Ralph omit the post of Prime Minister and the other toddlers that make up the governing ULP is stripped of the responsibility to govern St. Vincent and the Grenadines, an investigative search of the books and into other allegations does not prove otherwise. We know that most people in these office are not totally honest in their dealings and very often will make tremendous sacrifice to create a façade to be presented as they are not. ................................
To this end I have been trying to come up with a creative plan where I can use my talent so I can contribute to the Save nice radio fund. Now may St. Vincent continue to be the home of God's blessed.
His law practice in my opinion was a failure endeavor, however he use his eloquence to persuade all of the misguided fact of his brilliance and so convinced and promised the Holder family justice for the death of young Buzzie Holder, who was killed by a police man (incidentally that police officer who later became one of my mentors and was a wonderful and dedicated person); yet he fail to ensure justice in what was to be an easy process.

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