Faces of Oppression, modern day totalitairians. The teacher and his studentOnce again, My Prime Minister, the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Ralph E. Gonsalves has demonstrated to the nation, the region, and the entire world that he is a man who has lost his influence, is without feasible plans and relevant political ideas. Once again by his action he has shown to all the size of his mentality and the level of his integrity, when he used the state funds to buy the favor, love and affection of the people. In his weaken state, he spared no effort to feeding the greed of the greedy, those whose loyalty has a price; he used the state money to manipulating the poverty of the poor, those among us whose best effort never pays off; and he introduced our youths to free money in order to prey on their naivety, in his attempt to make the youths of the nation mental slaves. In other words; Gonsalves is squandering the resources of the state, so he can continue to have his own way with the people and their finances; he is playing the game of give them a little to keep them hoping you will give them more.
So on the grand occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of national independence, when Ralph as the nation’s leader, should have embraced his role as setter of positive trends and chief role model, he once again forfeit the opportunity to demonstrated what it meant to have and exhibit national pride. The Prime Minister could have taken this opportunity to instilling in our youths that sense of Pride while, inspired our them to ask not what their country can do for them but what they can and are willing to do for their country. However, when he announced that he is going to give every school child two hundred dollars; the Prime Minister only give to our youths a fish and only succeeded in satisfy their hunger or feeding them for a day.
In doing so, he planted and provided nutrients to the seeds, which could creating within the nation's youths, a nagging psychological dependence, a dependency which may germinate into the “get something for nothing attitude.” The same attitude that have caused many of our people to be robbing, killing and indulging in many other criminal activities, the same attitude that is responsible for the laziness that is now spreading though out the country and is responsible for the low level of productivity that we have been experiencing for some time now.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you will feeds him for a life time. This sentence deal with the investment we make in others daily, Should Government give the youths two hundred dollars which they will gladly take and satisfy their spending needs for a short time with no rational objective in mind. Did Ralph gift succeeded in feeding our youths for a life time? From his action, does Ralph appear to care about the youth's future? What national or long term objective did Ralph had in mind when he give away the money? Couldn't Ralph find a more feasible method of using that money, that would have better serve the long term and future needs of the youths? This is what leaders do; they invest in their people future; they use the state’s resources to make the people more productive and independent citizens. Ralph is aware that productive and independent citizens always develop confident and seek ways to apply their intelligence. There is something about productivity that carries with it confidence, independence, intelligence and innovation. It is no secret; that confidence, intelligent and innovative people have to be governed intelligently.
Did Ralph Gonsalves give any just or intelligent reason for the way he use the people's resources? Did he say where the money came from or where the money will come from? Was this gift a decision of cabinet?
Anyone with a good knowledge of Ralph Gonsalves’ behavior can answer the above questions with a high level of accuracy. What was the intent behind this sudden and unexpected gift? Is Ralph trying to buy himself the loyalty of the youths, while purchasing himself some yes votes and on a larger scale a piece of the future? Although that may be true, Ralph is more occupy in living out the inhibited desires of his fore parents: the Portuguese. I truly believe that a person heritage never really leaves him or her but circumstances may prevent or inhibits that person from living out their natural desires and the real intent of their heart.
I am of the opinion that Ralph Gonsalves like his forefather Aniam Concalvez, (pay attention to the last name as well as the amount to letters and the pronunciation of the name) the man who in 1414 began the export trade of African slaves; is hell bent in making Vincentian his slaves. The primary principle that is employed in making a person a slave is to rob him of his independence, self-respect and self-reliance. Although most people will not willingly give up their independence, self-respect and their self-reliance they can be tricked or cultured into doing so.
Gonsalves is bent on tricking as well as culturing our youths into voluntarily becoming his slaves, and his specially design constitution will ensure that like we will remain slaves forever. This may sound outrageous to you. Like
Willie Lynch, Ralph has already divided the nation, he has put colleagues against colleagues, families at odds with each other, neighbors at social and political war with each other. Ralph is going to get and have his own way by any means necessary.
Is Ralph Gonsalves capable of doing this, does he love power enough to do this. Remember the only way to keep a slave is to keep the slaves divided. Are you willing to become the slave of Ralph E. Gonsalves?
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