I read with interest the article that was written by one, Wade Kojo Williams Jr. which was captioned: Show Real Leadership Eustace. And I was disappointed in that content of the letter.
It is amazing that when some people chose to criticize other, in the same manner in which I am about to criticized this article, we very often do not take the time to apply wisdom or the understanding before we do such or even to step into that person shoes for a moment or examine the persons experience and search for and get an understanding of their action or what they were speaking about. This article is a perfect example of one speaking out of turn and not fully understanding what he is speaking of. What is leadership? Before I explain what leadership is, I will present some often miss interpret characteristics that most people, Kojo included identifies as signs of leadership but is clearly the behaviors of idiots.
It appear that Wade Kojo Williams Sr. want Mr. Eustace to march to the ignorant beat of the drums he and others are playing and in the process have Mr. Eustace throw away his dignity and behave like Ralph Gonsalves and the other leaders of yesterday; leaders who led in an autocratic manner, not giving those who they were called upon to lead, the opportunity to learn from their mistakes without humiliating them.
In the case or Ralph Gonsalves, who do not know any better and uses the public humiliation of those he leads, as a tool of manipulative control of the same, who is also guilty of gross misconduct in the house of parliament; who each time he takes the mike at a public meetings teaches the community what self degradation is all about and who failed to practice integrity and good judgment in his office of Prime Minister. It is important to note that all of Ralph Gonsalves' public display, are just a big show to covering up his insecurities and in the process make a desperate attempt to prove that he knew/know what he was/is doing, while he destroy the esteem of the men he is called upon to lead.
The sad thing is; now that Ralph had done tremendous damage to the self-esteem, integrity and characters of the last crop of politicians he led; is the fact that he has chosen to replacing them with a new crop of talent all of whom he is going to destroy once again.
Arnhim Eustace is a far better leader than you or Ralph Gonsalves or anyone who went before him will ever be, he is not into publicly belittling the people who follow him and in the process making them look silly in the eyes of their friends, family, children and constituents; reducing them to less than men and presenting them as a shell of their former self. We all know that Arnhim Eustace has the resolve to make, take and verbalized though decisions when they are needed and he does so in his own unique way and time.
Wade you have got to understand that the qualities that you have admired in the so call leaders of the pass, qualities you have tried to emulate in your own life and the quality you use as a measuring stick for others are not the qualities that constitute a good leader. I hope this is not a case of you can’t teach old dog new tricks, if it not, I will suggest that you get a note pad, a pencil, take a good, close and continues look at Mr. Eustace and take note for you are now seeing on display the characteristics that constitutes a leader extraordinary.
A leader is a man who, encourages growth, enhances the self-esteem of the people around him/her, a teacher of moral; encourages strong ethics, an upholder of principles and one who provide exemplified direction.
Leadership is about less talking much action; it is not about shouting, arrogance and imposing oneself into every matter; even those that can be resolved appropriately without your input. So now that you know what is and is not leadership, Kojo what are you going to do?
By the way why do you feel the need to end your letters with: Former Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Is that suppose to mean something or is it suppose to enhance the meaning of the idea you are trying to put forward, many ah idiots have been made speaker of the house in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. That position was once given out as a reward of association and financial contribution and I hope you were not one of those.
great post and response!!