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Friday, August 7, 2009

Is Ralph Gonsalves A Failure

Yesterday I listened to the "I had a dream" speech, which began the obliteration of the USA segregated society. This speech was delivered under tremendous pressure by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. iconic human/civil rights leader who was assassinated.
Honored by the opportunity to share in such a special occasion I immediately had a patriotic review, my subtle thought revealed the strange triviality of my people mentality. ........................................
Many who know the manipulative man Ralph Gonsalves, they would be aware that he is a failure who suffers from an over heightened sense of nauseating insecurity and criticism is considered a personal attack.
For the record and for posterity sake lets now take a brief look at the man and his lack of successes. This is the same smooth talking individual who incidentally, successfully & convincingly manipulated Vincentian into letting him take possession of the administration of the country's affairs.
As a father and husband he had failed to protect his family from the scandals that destroy the self-esteem and encouraged the insecurity of those he is obligated to love and protect: remembering that within every rumor or allegation there is some truth. As a politician he set and created the trend of lawlessness (that today plagues St. Vincent today) when he mobilized and encouraged the gullible leaders of the various trade unions to consciously take part in unlawfully/lawless activities: which put him in the position to take governance by default. Being a poor sport and unable to take a little heckling, he displayed his lack of statesmanship when he showed his middle finger to one of his constituent, and had other fired. .............................................
As the prime Minister he engaged in policies that facilitated the political divide among the people, embarked on unbeneficial capital projects that satisfied his craze to leave a positive mark on the pages of St. Vincent and West Indian history, and thus putting the country in a deficient economic position. .......................................................................................................................................
However he was successful in creating an unsafe, economically unstable, socially weak, politically blind, morally challenged, historically shameful, philosophically deprived and culturally bankrupted place for his constituent to dwell in. But what is the most shameful is the fact that he and his elite appointee are totally void of sound, meaningful and applicable ideas and plans to move the country forward yet they greedily hold on to power. ...........................................................
There are many more areas of failure that could be mentioned here but time will not permit me to go into them. It is known that none of us are perfect, but most of us were though and have learned how to be meek in our imperfection, humble in our failure graceful in our success..............
As it is said misery loves company, so in his hate filled jealously, he try to create many more people that has the professional and social personification of himself. So he create an environment to cause successful individuals, businesses and groups to be placed in compromising position that will ensure that the success they has in their grasp are forcefully pried from their bosoms. The latest examples/victims are Douglas DeFreitas, E.G Lynch and Nice Radio. Ralph Gonsalves took what our Vincentian culture considers petty kitchen talk and like a spoilt child he ran crying to the courts complaining of his hurt feelings; he is such a baby. .......................................
I hope that after baby Ralph omit the post of Prime Minister and the other toddlers that make up the governing ULP is stripped of the responsibility to govern St. Vincent and the Grenadines, an investigative search of the books and into other allegations does not prove otherwise. We know that most people in these office are not totally honest in their dealings and very often will make tremendous sacrifice to create a façade to be presented as they are not. ................................
To this end I have been trying to come up with a creative plan where I can use my talent so I can contribute to the Save nice radio fund. Now may St. Vincent continue to be the home of God's blessed.
His law practice in my opinion was a failure endeavor, however he use his eloquence to persuade all of the misguided fact of his brilliance and so convinced and promised the Holder family justice for the death of young Buzzie Holder, who was killed by a police man (incidentally that police officer who later became one of my mentors and was a wonderful and dedicated person); yet he fail to ensure justice in what was to be an easy process.

Small Island politician: Do They Have Small Minds

Leadership is a tremendous challenge; but when a leader knows what he or she is doing and when he or she understand, accept and appreciates the fact that, it is the choice of the people to follow that individual or not and a leader is indeed the people’s servant; it is only then that leadership becomes a wonderful experience. It is important for leaders and potential leaders to note: that an individual or group who have decided to elect or nominate anyone as their leader (political or otherwise) have the democratic, the constitutional and the God given right to reject that leadership at any point in time and for any given reason. There are some characteristics that are synonymous to small Island politicians that scare me: one is the fact that, the politicians don’t understand or refused to understand this (the above) simple concept. Most small island politicians behave as if it is their inalienable rights to be in charge of the people political affairs, and they show no tolerance for anyone who opposes them. Such behaviors are juvenile and ought to be expected from children not grown educated men and women.
Unfortunately the politicians in small island benefits when they encourage the political and other divide and put enmity between the people by stirring up the fears and anger and other emotions of the masses; thus ensuring their party maintains a strong hold on the governance of the country; such is the dealing of the ULP.Although to continually encourage the political divide among the people is not good for any one, the politicians are not big enough to put their country before their party, their personal and political ambitions. When one speak about selfish men you speak about small Island politicians in St. Vincent case the ULP politicians.
They have adopted the techniques of the old slave specialist; Willie Lynch. Willie Lynch taught slaves owners, if they can keep the slaves divided then they will keep their slaves. The UPL leadership daily practice the same concept, which is; if you can keep the people divided you will keep your job.
Unfortunately the only person in that party for whom I have not lose respect for is the Hon. Rene. I may be wrong but she seems to be different from the others.
I have seen a new day dawning in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a day that will left the politician behind. A day when the citizenry becomes so informed that they unite for the common good of their country. party card and loyalty, scare and other tactics will not work in swaying to vote for any politician or his party; there is dawning a day when politicians will have to come up with sound plans and programs and a character to match before the people will even consider them. When the people will demand that the parliamentarians enact and enforced sound integrity legislation, when one will have to be able to pass the acid test to be a politician; when this new era is ushered in what are you guys going to do.

An Open Letter To Anthony Astaphan

Listening to the news of Dominica on the evening of November 13th 2008, I listen with interest as a piece dealing with Dominica’s politician Ambrose George’s alleged involvement in a Nigerian internet scam. The announcer introduced and played a voice clip of renowned Dominica lawyer Anthony Astaphan. I listened intently and to my surprise I heard Anthony Astaphan advising Ambrose George to do the honorable thing and resign his ministerial position.
I was so shock to hear such a statement coming from the mouth of Anthony Astaphan. I wondered if this was the same Anthony Astaphan counsel and advisor to St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister: Ralph Gonsalves. If this is he, it seems as if this man understands the importance of public officers keeping their character away from negative, corrupt and dishonest association. Old people often say, if it walk like a duck, look like a duck and quack like a duck then it must be a duck; they also say that you are known but the company you keep, and if you weren’t there they could not call your name.
This new development leads me to ask a few important question of Lawyer Anthony Astaphan.
  • As a man who appears to have the moral understanding of the standards public officers should be held to; so much so that you asked Ambrose George to resign in the light of such scandal. Why didn't you see if fit to remind your client Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of his moral responsible to the people he represents and to his office as Prime Minister

  • Did you also advise Ralph Gonsalves to resign in the light of the scandal/allegation of rape and sexual assault and the ongoing investigation and court proceedings?

  • Did you remind Ralph Gonsalves of his sworn obligation as a lawyer to ensure that Justice is done?
  • Did you remind Ralph Gonsalves of his obligation as a citizen of St. Vincent not to use his Prime Ministerial power to interfere with the working of the Justice system?
  • Did you inform him of the criminal offence he was committing in so doing and the consequence of such?
If you have failed to so advise your client then I am accusing you of malpractice and you therefore owe Ralph Gonsalves and the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines a refund of the legal fees paid to you and a written apology for your negligence, I will not say incompetence for I have seen you in action and I know better. I am also recommending that you be charge and tried in the court of public opinion for being a hypocrite.
Anthony how can you give Ambrose George such good and wise counsel for free yet you neglect, omit or refused to impart the same wisdom to your paying client, colleague and once respected Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves.
Anthony place take note that the Government and people of St. Vincent are awaiting a refund of the legal fees paid to you out of the government coffers. We have concurred that you have not yet earned your wages.

Crimes Against The Flesh Who Are The Criminals

Prostitution is as old as time itself, even from the beginning of time women have been made to be or have chosen to be prostitutes; Biblical history, secular history and modern trends bears witness of this fact. Prostitution is a situation which resulted from some social condition which may force a woman to sell her body, for the sexual gratification of another: mainly a man.
Prostitution is the process where an individual offers themselves to indulge in sexual favors for a fee: where an individual pays another to have sexual intercourse or sexual favors with him/her.
We must understand that most women prostitute themselves to satisfy or alleviate some unfavorable social condition or to satisfy some needs or wants. I have heard of women who offered their body as a sacrifice to silence the cry that the pain of hunger generated in the stomachs of their children. I have heard of ladies who have developed deranged sexual cravings and habits which were resulted by some childhood trauma: the painful consequences of sexual abuse, rape etc. now these victims see the collection of money for their imposed perversion as a means to an end.
I have also heard of women who after being raped, felt so nasty, worthless and cheap that they sell themselves as prostitute; but worst yet, I have heard the sick stories of unscrupulous men who entrapped women and with the use of threats introduce them to the world and life of prostitution. Never have I heard of a mentally healthy woman, with no adverse social condition just venturing into this despised business. There are many more painful stories which in detail chronicle the suffering of such people.
In today’s world, prostitution is illegal. It is illegal for a prostitute to entice a potential client to use her service and it is also illegal for an individual to solicit another to become sexually involve with him or her for a fee, whether that fee is paid before the sex act immediately after the sex act or some time later.
All in all prostitution is illegal, demeaning, dehumanizing, and degrading to the parties involved; but more so, to the person who should be using his or her substance to elevate the falling, bring healing to those who are hurting, and be a guiding light to those who have lost their way.
Unfortunately; today our sick world has digressed into a place where there are male prostitutes, who offers themselves for the sexual gratification of both male and female. As nauseating as this taught is, it is a modern day fact of life.
For us male have become so lazy, that we refuse to use the strength that God have given to us. strength which would have afford us to live up to our responsibility to our community as leaders, protectors of the helpless, the hopeless, the poor, the weak, the widows, and the parent less; but instead we look for the opportunity to prey on the people who have fallen on hard times and find themselves in such unfortunate position. We refuse to control our passions, especially our sexual passions and so we craft opportunities which create victims within the communities; then we take advantage of those we were blessed or put into position to look out for.
The refusal (in some deranged cases: inability) to control or curb one sexual desire leads to deranged sexual cravings; cravings which cause these sick people to make intensive efforts in order to satisfy their desires. As a result, the destructive element of raped is introduced into the life of many and the helpless innocence of babies are no longer a safe stage, for these deranged men has no regards or sympathy for such; not when their passion burn within them. In some cases the victims of rape are killed to avoid detection; and if the predators are detected, they will lie and do all in their power to avoid the justice system and the punishment that is associates with such crimes.
In such situation those with money make their money speak for them; adding more humiliation to the already dehumanizing experience they would have put the individual through. Each time a victim of rape accept monies for their pain, humiliation and the lost of their dignity they suffered during and after being raped; in my opinion they are selling their body and is actually participating in prostitution. Anyone who pays or offers to pay an individual to avoid going to the law, to withdraw a case or not to make their misdeed public, is actually participating in prostitution; such offer to pay or payment is an admission of guilt; and anyone who acts as a go between or a middle man to facilitate such transaction in cases of rape is nothing less than a pimp or a jigglelow.
Although prostitution is a sad phenomenon, most of the times it is an act where two consenting adults entering into a simple contract. But to strip an individual of their dignity via the act of rape and then turning them into a prostitute is a whole other story.
Cases of rape are very easy to prove in the court of law, and if an individual was even found not guilty by a jury of his peers, that individual will forever live with the stigma of the allegations; because not guilty do not necessarily means innocent.
I have heard of stories of women who fabricate stories of rape as a means of revenge and out of spite. This is not only low and dirty it is dishonesty to the lowest; such people if discovered should he banished from the community.
So if an allegation of rape was brought against an individual and that individual chooses to pay the alleged victim not to pursue legal action; then their action is in its self an admission of guilt; and any alleged victim of rape who accepts money as a payoff, that out stretched hand immediately transforms that person from a victim to a prostitute.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Journalism is the tactful art of bringing important information to the community for the purpose of keeping them informed and educated. However most journalist are concerned with keeping their audiance entertained; thus entertaining the community have taken priority. The people depends on journalist to report information in a systamatic and reliable manner. We can all agree that in today's society, journalism is all about making money; hence the reason so much sensationalism dominates the media.

Let us take for example the Caribbian Net News (which have been dominated by Ralph Gonsalves lately) the media in St. Vincent and the Grenadines as well as several regional media organization, carried a falsified story which dealt with the dismissal of Allan H.F. Palmer from the Bermuda Police Service. incidentally the Royal Gazette of Bermuda carried a story on the 13th June 2008 informing the Bermuda community of mr. Palmer's resination from the BPS effective August 5th 2008.

The Million dollar question is why didn't the Caribbean Net News, the Media in St. Vincent and the Grenadines as well as the several reginal news paper who saw it fit to informed their followers of the unprecedented statement made by the Governor of Bermuda as it related to George Jackson Commissioner of Police. It is totally unprecedented for the Governor to publicly make such a statement about an appointee of his office and one who is still serving; unless public confidence in that officer is so low he have to do such to quiet the fares of the general public.

The Governor said "I hope Mr. Jackson would welcome the opportunity to retire"; he further said 'we will have to see how things are looking early next year, but if everything went well I will like to say to George Jackson thanks very much and arrange for him to hand over at the end of next year, so he would be allowed to put his foot up" (quoted from the Royal Gazette of Bermuda)

it will be interesting for you to log onto http://bpsstudh.blogspot.com and read the study that was done by Allan H.F. Palmer. this study was handed over to the Governor, the leader of the opposition and the minister of Home Affairs on the 6th August 2008 a day after Mr. Palmer's resination became effective.

New Development

The Governor of Bermuda had began to take action. apart from publicly giving George Jackson notice that he have got to go, he have also informed Assistant Commissioner of Police Brian Bell that he to will be going with George Jackson at the end of his contract earily 2009. The Bermuda Police Service have seen the Michael De Silva jumping the two senior superintendent Randolph Liverpool and Mike Jackman (both men who were in line for post of commissioner) and was promoted to deputy commissioner. how ironic.

Big George Jackson, do not have to worry; after all He can now moved back to St. Vincent to pick up the post of Chief of Air Port Security a post which was promised to him by PM Gonsalves. Lets see how much respect you are going to get from the ralph now that you are no use to him and you are under his control. As a matter of fact Big George you will never see that appointment because that same post was promised to several other gullible individual who would have been compramising their integrity the same way you did; the only thing is they are now more useful to him that you are at this point.

Creating a Legecy base on lies

It is no secret that Ralph E. Gonsalves built a successful political career by unforgivably exposing, overstating, and or exaggerating, the mistakes, misfortunes, and indiscretions of his political and other opponent. He makes a habit of using his storytelling abilities to dress up the truth in order to make them more interesting than they are. There are even cases where he conspired and aided in the downfall of people who he felt were a threat to him.
We have seen this in the way he sheepishly entrapped Stanly ‘Starkey’ John in order to depose him of the opportunity to regain the leadership of the Unity Labour Party (ULP), the political party he now leads, which is the same organization he is currently using to destroy the Vincentian way of life (values, morals, economy, pride etc.) and St Vincent and the Grenadines. We have also seen the way in which he disposed of his own blood relative, Ken Boyea, forcing him to leave the political comfort of the ULP while denying him to create, among other things, a political legacy.
There are many political, social, and other casualties that litter the course, hills, and the valleys of St Vincent; all victims of Ralph Gonsalves. Although many citizen of St Vincent had suffered, and are suffering, directly at his hands; unfortunately the biggest causality will be St Vincent and the Grenadines, and to a lesser extent CARICOM.
Now that I have given an overview of the man we are force to coexist with; let me address the reason for which I write. We have seen how Ralph squandered the well needed millions of dollars to ensure that his friends in the legal fraternity are rewarded for past deeds done in his efforts to discredit Sir James Mitchell for his effort in the Ottley Hall Marina project, which saw the underdeveloped island losing about thirty million United States dollars, and later accumulating tremendous interest for the nation’s inability to effectively service that loan.
I will never say that there was not inappropriate behaviour and unethical practices by persons close to this project. I will never say that there was not illegal practice involved in this project, but I suspect that all those who knowingly participated in any illegality were not made the object of the witch hunt that is the Inquiry. For one thing; to implicate the true players would not have benefited those who went through all of the trouble of instituting it, and it would have defeated the sole purpose of the Inquiry; which was to discredit Sir James Mitchell. Unfortunately, with his own hands, Ralph Gonsalves managed to cause his own character to be plunged into disrepute (the allegations of rape and sexual assault).
What was the crime which was committed by Sir James Mitchell? In my opinion, Sir James F. Mitchell was guilty of being too naive and trusting; he is guilty of the same offence most Vincentian are guilty of; we are far too naive and too trusting. An example of this is the fact that they hand over their life, their children’s future, and the future of my blessed country into Ralph Gonsalves’ hands. However, there is a thin line between naivety and stupidity; a line that I hope the Vincentian community will not cross.
I am convinced that Ralph Gonsalves is obsessed with trying to create a positive legacy for himself. In his obsession to be viewed as a brilliant politician and businessman, Ralph Gonsalves took the initiative to get CARICOM involved in a sweetheart deal with one who appears to be even more sinister and conniving than Dr Aldo Rolla; Allan Stanford, who allegedly schemed billions of USA dollars from his investor who trusted him. Can the governments of the Caribbean trust Allen Stanford? Was this deal too good to be true? Did Allen Stanford see a sitting duck (Ralph Gonsalves and his pathetic deal) and took advantage of it? How will Allen Stanford’s new self created troubles impact the following; CARICOM (LIAT), inter-island Caribbean travel and the citizen of these countries? I guess we will never know until the creditors come knocking trying to recover their client’s money, as in the Bernie Madoff case.
The questions that immediately came to mind were, apart from the use of Allen’s private jet; did the St Vincent and the Grenadines prime minister benefit personally from Allen Stanford? Was this just an ugly repeat of Sir James Mitchell’s mistake, or is Ralph Gonsalves too bright to be so fooled?

Proud of My Newly Found Status

When I heard that I made the local TV news (photograph and all) and when I saw my photograph and a headline that accompanied the story, which read "Vincentian controversial police officer discharged from the Bermuda Police Service" and when I saw the story on Caribbean Net News; my heart was filled with a sense of pride. This sense of pride came for the following reasons:

The news stories pointed out some of the qualities that make me unique. In order for one to be controversial one has to be ambitious, honest, an independent thinker and courageous. I will be the first to admit I am controversial, I am a man with an opinion and I am not afraid to let my opinions be known even if my opinion differ or do not support the views and opinion of whomever.

  1. That the press has recognized my newly found status in St Vincent and the Grenadines and in Bermuda, a status I have embraced; one that I love.
  2. That I have been elevated from the simple neighbourhood and street corner gossip to that of a headliner, to breaking news story that went on for over a week.
  3. The fact that I was not accused of pushing, smuggling or offering drugs to any ones children.
  4. The fact that I did not steal or get into trouble for any act of dishonesty.
  5. The fact that I made the news for displaying strength, integrity, honesty and courage.
  6. But most of all I am still a practical example of my parents and God’s expectation; and this is what those who oppose me would love to and attempted to rob me of; but they can’t take that away from me.

It is no secret that I am a man who loves attention but I am very selective of the type of attention I am associated with. I must admit I basked in the attention of all the phone call the MSN contacts and emails from all of my friends and acquaintances and from people I never expected support from. They ranged from police officers, politicians, community and religious leaders, but most of all the ordinary man form St Vincent, Bermuda and other countries.

There is no hiding the fact that there are going to be three groups of people expressing their opinion on what they perceived happened. There will be those who will rejoice over what they considered my down fall, there will be those who are going to support me no matter what, and there will be those who could not care one way or the other about me and the events that surrounding me.

Let me take this opportunity to thank Ralph Gonsalves, George Jackson, Randy Liverpool and Mike Jackman, for giving me another opportunity to motivate other people like me who just needed an example (my example) to find their strength to be an objective voice regardless.

For affording me the opportunity to show my children and all of the children I have ever mentored: those who participated in my program the Adventurers hikers, Read and have Fun or such programme like the Big Brother Big Sister programme; but most off all the children of Bottom Town whom I hope from my example will learn and understand that they can become a news headliner for being positive, strong, courageous and honest virtues once cultivated no one can take away from you no matter how hard they try. But most of all I hope they learn from my examples how to make the stumbling blocks others place in your way into stepping stone and life obstacles should not take our destiny from grasp of your hands.

It is my only wish to teach those who look up to me how to be strong, and this strength is displayed in my writing at http://crushingfools.blogspot.com

The Revenge Of Ralph E. Gonsalves

Each time an honest man or woman stands up against or lends a voice of objection against wrong or injustice, he or she can expect to be prosecuted for his actions. And anytime an individual stands up against and or lends a voice of objection against Ralph Gonsalves, he or she can expect a particular mode of revenge; which is, he will use his position, his office and or his influence, to victimise that or those individual(s).
We have seen this in the unfair and premature dismissal of Mr Cummings (ex-manager of the Central Water and Sewage authority, who moved that government-owned corporation from a debt plagued institution to a profitable institution); Major Leacock (the man who also took the indebted Vinlect and turn it into a profitable, multimillion dollar government corporation) and the hundreds of New Democratic Party (NDP) supporters that were unfairly and prematurely dismissed because of their allegiance to the NDP. We have seen the unfair transfer and punishment of staff nurse Janice Lewis for reporting the finding of an STD in a mother and a daughter that infected by… Let me shut my mouth before one of SVG’s big bad wolves sues me.
However, anytime an honest individual speaks in the name of justice and it is against the big bad, sorry, big dirty wolf and chief victimiser (the one who is responsible for creating victims), then we know there are going to be repercussions.
When I first heard of the allegations made by the female police officer against the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves and when I heard of Ralph’s efforts to pervert the course of justice, I wrote my first letter, which was titled “Let justice be done in St Vincent.” I have been sending this article to the News newspaper, the Searchlight and the Vincentian, for a month before I had the letter published on Caribbean Net News. Up to today’s date (19-06-2008) none of the newspapers (who normally give me a voice) has published that article. Thanks to Caribbean Net News, the oasis in a desert of injustice.
However, after my letter was published and was read on Nice radio, a series of events began to happen to me on my job right here in Bermuda. Yes, the Prime Minister’s friend from Georgetown, Randy Liverpool, Superintendent of Police and his newfound friend, George Jackson, Commissioner of Police, launched an all-out attack against me.
My cell and home phone were tapped, listening apparatuses was placed in my room, and tracking devices were installed on my car, I was followed 24 hours-a-day for three months. There are three police officers who had become the target of the Bermuda Police Service, all for different reasons, but I, Allan H.F Palmer, became public enemy number one.
Ever since I publicly declared (this declaration was done in the presence of one of my countrymen) my intention to help the alleged rape victim fight for due process and my failed submission to have my first letter published by the newspapers in SVG. George Jackson and Randy Liverpool have been trying to prove their allegiance to the Prime Minister by trying to have me fired and they had to make it look legitimate. As a matter of fact they have turned me into a folk hero here in Bermuda, in this case a symbol of strength of one that is not afraid.
After the Royal Gazette reporter Sam Strangeway did a front page story of me and my blog, giving me credit for my work on the blog, this angered the comrade and his friends. They had to do something to stop this man (Allan H.F Palmer).
So the guys came up with a master plan. They arranged a beautiful girl (with whom I was friendly; also what they offered her I don’t know) to call and request some insignificant information form the police system. Although the information was insignificant, I was aware that the Bermuda Police Service has ways and means of cheaply dispensing such information. So I decided to complete the documentation for the young lady and I encouraged the pretty face young lady to use the system as is provided for these purposes.
At 1:30pm that day I was summoned to Commissioner of Police George Jackson’s office for a meeting. And these are the words he said to me, and I quote, “You have been embarrassing the Prime Minister and the Government of St Vincent. You must stop it or we are going to take action against you. However, I am here to warn you that you will be on suspension pending the outcome of the investigation. Your suspension papers have already been drawn up and you will be served today.” I then asked the reason for my suspension, it was then I was told that I have violated the Police Confidentiality Act. This was so funny that I laughed heartily. Thank God for my trusty micro digital recorder.
Soon after they were informed that I did not fall for the plot, I was excused from the meeting and sent back to my work with a compliment of how good a worker I am. A few weeks later I was suspended on the allegation that I have disobeyed a direct order from the Commissioner of Police (an alleged order which was given in the meeting I mentioned above) and I have been on suspension for the last five months. I was suspended on an allegation that I disobeyed a direct order from the Commissioner of Police; yet there were PC Glen Kellman, who was investigated, charged and prosecuted for Grievous Bodily Harm. There were then PCs Fox, Miguel, Mitchell, Baghawn, and Telemaque, all of whom was investigated, charged and prosecuted for a series of criminal offences, which included Assault and Bodily Harm, Attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice, etc. There was also PC Dennis Archer, who was investigated, charged, prosecuted and convicted for causing Grievous Bodily Harm to his girl friend, yet none of these police officers who stood trial for criminal offences were ever suspended, but were allowed to continue to perform duties in the capacity of a police officer. Yet I was suspended for a simple allegation.
No police officer in any part of the world has an obligation to comply with a direct order from any senior officer if he knows that order is unlawful. This can be found in any Police Act and it is in the Bermuda Police Service Act 1974.
Can you imagine that after sustaining a broken coccyx bone and having a surgical procedure done on me, that I am going through all of this? Yes, I am presently on sick leave for two very painful conditions yet I have got to go through this. Mr and Mrs Palmer did not bring up any weakling who runs and hides his head in shame at the first sign of disappointment. I am from Bottom Town, I have no shame and why should anyone be ashamed for doing what is right. This whole series of event was the catalyst that revived and invigorated me.
I am not writing this letter to invoke your sympathy; I may have to walk away from a job, but, for me, life will go on. Instead, I implore you to give your sympathy and empathy to the young police officer who was allegedly striped of her dignity by her beloved leader, give it to the young human rights lawyer who had allegedly suffered the indignity of her body being violated, and give it to the hundreds or probably thousand of underage and other women who were violated sexually and otherwise by those who were put in place to make their lives better. Dr Gonsalves, I may have to walk away from my job and that is quite okay, but just remember that God is so good, he doesn’t ever sleep and I am still his favourite child.

Psychological Effects Of Rape

Once again another young Vincentian has come forward with allegation of sexual misconduct against the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph E. Gonsalves and once again the chief puppet master or puppeteer of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph E. Gonsalves, has pulled the strings.

Yet another victim was denied their day in court by the Director of Public Prosecutor (DPP) and so they were denied justice. But this was to be expected. Could it be, that all these people, who have made allegations against my Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, are lying, or is it that the female police officer has instilled a sense of courage in the many victims that literally litter our community, all of whom may be victims of our dear charismatic and beloved Prime Minister Dr Ralph E. Gonsalves.

What if these women are speaking the truth; and if so where is the justice for these women, our mothers, sisters, wives, daughters and our friends.

I have heard so many rumours of allegations of sexual assaults and rapes even of minors that are going on in St Vincent and the Grenadines, by men in positions of power; victims whose parents forgo criminal proceeding because they were paid off to keep quiet.

While the parents were content with prostituting their children and while they enjoy the luxury of the large quantity of money they get as pay-off for their children getting raped or sexually assaulted; their child/children suffers from the psychological trauma that is associated with the violation of the female, especially children.

Don’t be fooled, there are many young boys and young men who are also victims of these unscrupulous, supposedly responsible men. Unfortunately these young boys are too shame to come forward. A large amount of these male victims themselves becomes homosexual, sexual predators or pedophiles; continuing the cycle of destroying the lives of other innocent members of our community, creating more victims.
To all you parents who took the opportunity to sell your children’s innocence, please remember; the money will soon finish, your child/children will still be traumatized, you will still be living in poverty, your integrity would be lost, the perpetrators will rape again and you will be responsible for all of the lives that were ruined because of your greed and weakness.
To you, the members of the community whether you are a commissioner of police, a DPP, a doctor, a journalist, an editor, or just a person who remains quiet because you are looking for a hand-out, if you neglect your responsibilities to the community to be that objective voice calling for justice, then the blood of all those innocent victims is also on your hands and you are no better than the predators among us.
It is known that sexual predators are people who are very insecure and suffer from self-esteem problems. These people use sex to exercise power and control over their victims and the sexual violation of the victim gives them a sense of empowerment that never satisfies. Can you imagine the consequences you are asking a person, especially a child, to live after they have been raped or sexually assaulted?
Victims of rape suffer from the following:
  1. Anxiety: Can you imagine an individual going though life every single day, with a feeling of persistent nervousness, stress and worries, which are triggered by past events (the rape).

2. Depression: these people always have the feelings of anxiety, sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, pessimism, guilt, restlessness, irritability and they lose or gain weight drastically. They also lose interest in pleasurable and or routine activities, they have reduced sex drive, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions, as well as suicidal thoughts; their emotion often changes at the drop of a pin.

3. Obsession: they become obsessed or attached to another human, animal or inanimate object.(the making of a stalker if that attention is not appreciated) Can you remember the young lady who was beheaded in plain view of everybody at the bus terminal in Kingstown? She was a victim of a man with an obsession.
4. Compulsion: This includes persistent, irresistible impulse to perform a repetitive irrational behaviour. Common behavioural compulsions include excessive hand-washing, cleaning, checking, ordering, and touching.
5. Post-traumatic stress disorder: This is where an individual that has had a traumatic experience, persistently gets uncontrolled flashbacks of the horrible experience that have cause his/her trauma. These flashbacks can be so frequent that it can prevent the person living a normal life, holding down a job or having wholesome relationship with spouse, colleague, associates, family etc.
No human has the right to sentence anyone to such a life, no matter how much that predator hates the victim. Can you imagine sentencing a minor to such an unstable life? Lord, please have mercy on us all. With one indecent and unsolicited act we inflict all manner of psychosis on perfectly normal people and in the process we take away their rights to live normal lives.
I say shame on all who knowingly aid in protecting any rapist in the community. Please remember once a rapist always a rapist, once a pedophile always a pedophile. When will you care when you, your son, your daughter, your wife, your mother or husband becomes the victim; it is time for us to take our heads from out of the sand and do what is right.

Look Beyond The Surface

I have been anxiously awaiting the findings of Justice Thom’s judgment, as it related to the constitutionality of the power of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) to discontinue a private criminal case, file by a private citizen against another private citizen..........................................................................................................
Unfortunately, after reviewing the legal arguments and the law; Justice Thom’s concluded that the DPP has the power to discontinue any private action brought against any member of the community by another member of the community; and so the DPP acted appropriately in discontinuing a private matter which was brought in the magistrate’s court against Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves (PhD) for sexual assault and rape. ...............................................................
I am of the opinion that Justice Thom presented an incorrect judgment. I will not make any allegation to suggest that the Prime Minister got to the honourable high court judge.......................
I have heard of judges that were brought down for corruption, judges who have altered, changed and manipulated their finding to bias that of a particular individual or group of individuals. Yes, we have heard of judges that were bought and sold by the highest bidder. I do not know Justice Thom and I am not questioning her integrity. .........................................................................................
I am of the opinion that Justice Thom was overcome by sympathy for the Prime Minister who is also a member of the legal fraternity, and a very “Important Man” After the judge reviewed the severity of the consequence the PM will have to suffer, it may have evoked sympathy. After all Justice Thom is human and she has emotions and feeling like all of us. She knew how great an impact her decision would have influenced this very “Important Man's” future. It is my opinion that Justice Thom failed to give an objective and professional judgment but made one from a heart of sympathy for Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves.

Let’s review what Prime Minister Gonsalves has to lose.

  1. His political career.
  2. His legal practice, (disbarred)
  3. His reputation,
  4. The chance of going to prison,
  5. And must off all to be despised in the regional and international, political and social arena.
For a man with the arrogance of Ralph E. Gonsalves, sorry; a man with the confidence of the Prime Minister Ralph E. Gonsalves will not play dead while his life is taken away from him. Everyone knows that the man is not as strong, as brave or as tough as he pretends to be. I hope that the lawyer for the PM’s alleged victim will see it fit to appeal the judgment of Justice Thom even to the Privy Counsel. ..........................................................................................................................
I do not have any confidence in the Eastern Caribbean Court Appeal, when it comes to dealing with the matter in which Ralph E. Gonsalves is involved. However I can say that I have the utmost confidence in the Privy Counsel. Those white Englishmen will look at the arguments and the law as just another matter that needs their objective, unbiased, professional opinion and that is what they will give. I am confident that the English law lords will hand down a decision based on the facts, and the laws of the land, they will hand down a decision that will be free of prejudice. .......................................................................................................................................................
It is for the same reason why I cannot support or will not have any confidence in the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) being the final court of appeal in the West Indies. This Court will be an institution that can be easily influenced or tainted by heads of governments, etc; yes, the small Island mentality. The judges who will preside on Caribbean Court of Justice have to depend on the politicians for their appointment. An overly ambitious judge may pledge his or her allegiances to a particular island politician or political party that was responsible for their appointment on that prestigious court. Can you see the danger here?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let Justice Be Done

I am a citizen of St Vincent and the Grenadines but I am presently residing in Bermuda, where I am employed as a police officer. I have served one month less ten years in the St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force.

It is with interest that I have been following the allegation of rape and sexual assault that was brought against the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph E Gonsalves. I am not particularly interested in whether or not the PM is guilty but what particularly holds my interest is whether or not justice will be done.

It is important to note that justice is not the conviction or acquittal of the PM but if the justice system would be allowed to take its natural course without any impediment or interruption as it is legislated for according to the laws of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

But the things that trouble me most is the manner in which the two supposedly independent bodies (the police and the office of the Director of Public Prosecution) that are entrusted with ensuring that justice is done at all times; without any such impediment or interruption, is doing all they can to aid in the miscarriage of justice.

Let me take the opportunity to qualify this statement by explaining the duties of these two institutions.

The duties of the police are to:

  • Protect life and property

This is simply saying, it is the police primary duty to protect law abiding citizens from criminals and criminal activities. In the event the police fail to protect any of its citizens from the criminals that prey on the community, they must move to their second objective which is to.

  • Investigate, apprehend and arrest offenders:

It is the duty of any police department to launch an impartial and unbiased investigation into any allegation of criminal activities that were committed against any member of the community. If such investigation reveals that a crime was committed, then the best investigator should be placed on a quest to ascertain how, where, when, why and by whom the offence was committed and then the apprehension and interview of the offender.

  • Charge and prosecute

If enough evidence is found that can justifiably prove that the offender had indeed committed the offence then that offender should be charged and prosecuted.

These are the duties and responsibilities of any police department. It is the procedure that every ordinary citizen goes through when there is an allegation of a criminal offence brought against them, and no one is exempted from this process.

However, there are members of the diplomatic corps to whom the laws of the land offer limited immunity from prosecution. It is important to note that diplomats can be prosecuted but certain diplomatic protocol must be observed before any such charges and prosecution can be preceded.

  • The Director of Public Prosecution (DPP):

The office of the Director of Public Prosecution is a public, independent, judiciary body. This office is supposed to be free from external or other influences and his (the DPPs) office and anyone that has been assigned by him should be allowed to perform their functions without external influences or personal biases. The DPP or/and his assignees are responsible for prosecuting matters and offenders on behalf of the state. He is also the chief legal advisor to the police departments. They are responsible for ensuring that the evidence is collected and corroborates and that the criminal procedures are followed etc. He also has the power and the right to make a “professional” determination as to which matters should be prosecuted by the State and which matters should not be prosecuted.

Our founding legal minds were not ignorant to the facts of abuse of powers, and the prejudice that existed in our society. They knew that people will try to use their powers, offices, and other influences to aid in the miscarriage of justice, where the State is concerned. Hence this is the reason why they built into the system a legal means through which individuals can seek redress when they have been wronged by someone. The offending individual(s) may see it fit to use his influence to cause State officials to aid in the miscarriage of justice; hence we can have private criminal matters being brought against an individual.

The DPP does not have jurisdiction over criminal matters that were brought privately. If this is and was so, then certain people would be above the law.

We have seen Richard Nixon, the then President of the USA and the most powerful man in the free world at that time, was made to resign his presidency and was indicted on conspiracy charges, in the Watergate scandal. Richard Nixon did not commit the crime that led to the Watergate scandal but he was a part of the planning, yet he was indicted. This shows that it matters not your office, your position and the type of power one wields; no one is above the justice system.

I am holding fast to the opinion, which can be proven, that the DPP stepped outside the realms of his lawful power in an effort to aid in the miscarriage of justice when he confiscated the case file from the registrar’s office and attempted to kill the private matter.

The action of the police department and that of the office of the Director of Public Prosecution have led me to conclude that; these two offices have lost their independence; their heads are incapable of acting professionally, and in the best interest in the community.

I am also of the opinion that the head of these two departments are acting in cohesion with the Prime Minister to aid in perverting the course of justice. I am very sorry that I have to say this, but their actions have left me with no other alternative but to hold fast to my new conclusion.

I once thought that we were a Christian society. I was also of the opinion that Christians were strong people, whose characters exhibit honesty, integrity and strong ethics. All this wheeling and dealing in the effort to aid in the miscarriage of justice has brought to my mind the Bible text that says “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.

The PM, like every other citizen, if summoned by a magistrate to appear in court is obliged to show up, with his counsel, and if he thinks that he has no case to answer, then his counsel should put forward a no-case submission and have the magistrate rule on it. This is what is expected of each and every one of us. If the PM refused to show up to court then I expect that an arrest warrant be issued for his arrest. And he must be arrested on sight to be taken to a magistrate at the police earliest convenience. The justice system is so designed to ensure that absolutely no one is above the law and beyond prosecution. We must, at all times “Let justice be done!”

Serial Rapest in St. Vincent

I shook my head in disgusted approval when I discovered that the women of my beloved country are terrified over the fact that there is a serial rapist on the prowl in St Vincent and the Grenadines; and his aim, objectives and intentions are to violently satisfy his deranged sexual desire at the expense of the sanity of the vulnerable or weaker gender: the nation’s women. In the process, he is creating a nation of dysfunctional mothers and, to a larger extent, a nation of dysfunctional families, schools, churches and communities.
It is well known that, although the father provides and protects the family, it is the mother who holds the lofty responsibility for moulding and nurturing of the offspring. This is more so because of the thousand of single parents or women-led homes that exist in our community. So, you see, the hands that rock the cradle are the same hands that shape our communities; but what if those hands are dysfunctional?
My first reaction was not one of approval for the disgusting action that is being perpetrated on our sisters, our mothers our wives and our friends: the women of the communities, but I shook my head in affirmation of my anticipation, earlier vocal expression and writing which emphasised that, if Ralph Gonsalves is allowed to use a public office, the office of the Prime Minister and the influence of that office to manipulate the system and evade prosecution, we are going to see rise in rape and rape-related offences.
Don’t you know that if you ignore evil, wrong, or injustices you will soon become victims of that which you ignore? Now we are faced with a situation where Peter is paying for Paul and Paul is going to pay for all.
Today, the members of the community that includes concerned citizens, the police, the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the church and civic society, are engulfed in fear and are crying out against the wicked acts of the sexual predator or the serial rapist, that have emerged from hiding (from out of the closet). Yet the hypocrites that inhabit the island of St Vincent and the Grenadines are not concerned about the serial rapist and the sexual predators that occupy lofty political offices, predators who use their office to sexually manipulate and rape their victims, in public; and they have the assurance that no charge will be brought against them, because they are using the arms of the law (the office of the DPP and the police) to sanction their acts of rapes, sexploitation, etc., of the community's females.
Daily, these unethical men put our young men and women under duress and use such unhealthy mental condition to manipulation, rape and take advantage of the people they were elected and appointed to protect; all in an effort to satisfy their unhealthy sexual passions. But the unfortunate thing about this is the victims have no means of redress, they are forced to continually grind their teeth and bear it.
It is sad to say that St Vincent and the Grenadines will not see peace until the people get up and ensure that justice is done, starting with Ralph Gonsalves. He must be made to stand trial. The comrade must be made an example, thus demonstrating to the public that no one is above the law. Until this is done, things are only going to get progressively worse.
But who am I to speak on the side of justice, who am I to speak out against wrong, after all I am from Bottom Town; and can anything good come from Bottom Town?
Should I be disqualified from expressing my democratic rights based on where I was born and grew up? If no good ever comes from Bottom Town, then Ambassador Roy Austin (the man who made St Vincent and the Grenadines proud by passing FBI and CIA scrutiny and was appointed United States of America ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago) will have to give up his position as the United States Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago because he too is a Bottom Town man. Dr Michael Grubby Dennie will have to give up his university professorship because he too is a Bottom Town man. Dr Kenneth John will have to give up his PhD. because he too is a Bottom Town man. The black messenger and the man age will have to stop singing calypso because they too are Bottom Town men. The Palmers, the Culzacs, the Lynches and the low families will have to give up the integrity they have imparted onto their children and have practiced daily because they are from Bottom Town.

St. Vincent and The Grenadines Needs A Savior

After I heard the news that the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal turned down the appeal that was brought on behalf of the female police officer, I was not surprised. It is not that the lawyers did not prepare a good case, it is the fact that Ralph Gonsalves’ influence reaches far and wide. And he will do whatever it takes.

That is one reason why I cannot and will never have any confidence in the integrity of the Caribbean Court of Justice; the small-island mentality still reigns supreme and familiarity, position and influence rules in place of professionalism, honesty and justice. Unfortunately, these honourable virtues are given a back seat. There is only one hope for the alleged victims of the Prime Minister and that is the judgment of the Privy Council

You know what is unfortunate is the fact that it seem as if every one who offered this young lady support is getting weary of the whole issue. Vincentian and all in the Diaspora need to persevere and continue to support this young police female police officer, the lawyer and all of the victims that litter the community.

I can remember when I was a little boy and Boozie Holder was shot and killed by the police. I can remember the admiration and respect I had for the young lawyer (Ralph Gonsalves) who I thought recognised the family’s need, stepped in and provided legal counsel for the family free of cost. Or was it the young lawyer (Ralph Gonsalves) took advantage of the vulnerability of the grieving family and the unfortunate death of a youth to make a name for himself?

However, as the years go by, my respect and admiration for Ralph Gonsalves has slowly diminished, to the point that I refuse to address him as doctor, or honourable. This man’s behaviour is not a reflection of a learned man, one that is capable of honestly obtaining a PhD. His behaviour has brought dishonour to his office as a Member of Parliament, the prime minister and the legal fraternity.

I am of the opinion that the leaders of the NDP have got to get up and push against the grain. The Honourable Amhim Eustace has got to prepare to dirty his hands. If Eustace is going to push Ralph out of office, he is going to have to touch the dirtiness that he is, so Mr Eustace, you cannot be afraid to get your hands dirty. When you are going against your good nature, just bear in mind that is it for the good of your country, Most people may be afraid to admit it, but you are the only hope for St Vincent and the Grenadines; the Moses who must pluck God’s disobedient children out of the hands of the wicked one. Like Martin Luther King in prejudiced America, the people need your strength, Mr Amhim Eustace, to jump into the stink (the place where Ralph Gonsalves dwells) and take St Vincent from this power-possessed man.

Amhim Eustace, I know that under normal circumstances you will not get mixed up in such. But, sir, these are not normal times. Your country, my country, your people need you to stop our beloved country from being lured into the pits of moral and economical and the host of other acts of intentional insanity that is presently going on here. Mr Eustace, your people need you, your country needs; not tomorrow, not next week, we need you like yesterday, for you are the only person who is capable of taking this country from the hands of greedy, vindictive and incompetent men.