I do not believe in coincidence. I believe everything is ordained by Jehovah God; at times, we may not know or understand why a certain thing happens and in our ignorance we ruled such as just coincidences. This is especially true in the lives of the believers. Jehovah has made certain promises to his children and because he takes not his words and or his character lightly he is very mindful to ensure he plays an active and integral role in the life of his children. He cannot afford to take any thing for granted; it is on this biblical principle I base this belief.
In middle of 2004, a person calling him or her self Joe wrote to the editor of the Search Light Newspaper. This was done in an effort to test the water as it relates to sympathy for homosexual or homosexual tolerance; this generated a back and forth discussion about homosexuality in the Search Light Newspaper of which I was a part. This discussion went on for several weeks to the delight of the editor and the reading public and it was responsible for casting a light on homosexuality and the growing trend that it was fast becoming.
Normally when I come across such articles I will cut out the portion which bears my name. I did this for several reasons but the main reason was for storage purpose. However the article which was published on 6th August 2004, did not see me disect that newspaper page to extract that which pertained to me, this time I save the whole page. A few weeks ago I came upon some old articles which was written by me and was published in the news papers; it was then I made a staggering revelation. I discovered that I shared page 12 of the search Light News Paper as dated above with my friend: Anesia Richards.
Was it a coincidence, even back then; we were bold enough to stand up for the truth and speak out against that which is wrong in Jehovah’s sight? Was in a coincidence that after Ralph Gonsalves had allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him and because I voiced my dissatisfaction about how the matter was handles and Gonsalves’ involvement in the matter that I was victimized at the instruction? A period of harassed and a bogus investigated that saw me receiving over 20 internal charges which eventually lead to my resignation.
And was it a coincidence that just about a year later and in the same manner; Anesia Richards stood up against the dirty proposed constitution another dishonest act of Ralph Gonsalves and as a result of her action for justice she received basically the same treatment I received at the Hands of Ralph Gonsalves? I say no, these events are not coincident. May be you will like to read what we had to say back them I will make the articles available below.