Last Thursday, I tuned in to Nice Radio and I heard the moderators on the Thursday night program discussing the Anesia Richards-Baptiste saga. In their effort to stimulate discussion and to motivate community participation, they make, what were in my mind to be a pointless comparison. They compared the level of general accountability of a civil servant to that of an elected public officer. In my opinion they appear to be using Anesia’s unfortunate event to gain ratings for their show. They are unlike the New Times program on the same station that takes this matter serious. So I sent a quick email. I will like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the point I made via email at this time.
Unfortunately, over the years, members of the Vincentian community have come to revered politician; and over the course of time, many politicians took advantage of the people’s political ignorance. They cause the people to unrealistically learn to depend on them (the politician), even though they knew they are unable to ever satisfy the individual needs of the people. We all know Ralph's motto is: "if you keep the people in hopes of getting you will forever be able to manipulate them and forever keep them at your feet in permanent servitude." So they create laws to regulate everyone and every office except themselves. What became of the integrity legislation that was to govern the behavior of elected and other high profile government officials, which Ralph Gonsalves and his ULP government was so adamant, they were going to implemented when they took the reign of government?
Now, let me get back to the basis of the discussion. A person who holds an elected office has a grater level of responsibility than a civil servant. Therefore, they are more accountable and the accountability of an elected officer, stretches even further then being custodian of the resources they were elected to manage and grow. When individuals offer themselves to be an elected member of parliament, they are actually saying; they are credible individuals and are capable of managing and growing the country’s resources. They are also saying they are capable of controlling their behavior and elevate the standard of their conduct in such a manner that would elevate the tone of the country.
We must also remember one of the responsibilities of an elected officer (politician) enable them to speak publicly as well as privately on behalf of their constituency and or ministry. Unlike the civil servant who are not even authorized to speak on behalf of the department unless they are so instructed. So when a civil servant speaks publicly outside the line of his or her paid duties, they are not representing the department they are assigned to; however when a politician speaks they are speaking on behalf of their government, ministry, or constituency. When a civil servant left the office they represents themselves, which is unlike the elected officer (politician) who wear the uniform of public officer 24/7. Base on this they are in a far different bracket than any civil servant. The responsibilities are far different.
We must also remember one of the responsibilities of an elected officer (politician) enable them to speak publicly as well as privately on behalf of their constituency and or ministry. Unlike the civil servant who are not even authorized to speak on behalf of the department unless they are so instructed. So when a civil servant speaks publicly outside the line of his or her paid duties, they are not representing the department they are assigned to; however when a politician speaks they are speaking on behalf of their government, ministry, or constituency. When a civil servant left the office they represents themselves, which is unlike the elected officer (politician) who wear the uniform of public officer 24/7. Base on this they are in a far different bracket than any civil servant. The responsibilities are far different.
It is said that 16 charges were laid against Anesia for violating the Public Servant act. Anesia is a public servant and she is required to act in accordance to the public Service act, if in doing so, the public service act infringed on Anseia’s fundamental human rights as is provided in the constitution of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; then she is not obligated to comply with that act or any law that calls for her or anyone to sacrifice his or her constitutional rights. I am sure Ralph and his cronies know that Anesia has no obligation to comply with any law that infringe on her fundamental rights. Although many Judges have agreed that the fundamental human rights of the individual takes president over governmental protection regulation such as The Police Act, Civil/Public Service Act, they avoid giving a direct ruling on such matter for fear that a decisive ruling on behalf of the plaintiff can open the flood gated that can lead to anarchy. So is my rights a right, something that has consequences if trampled upon or is my rights a privilege, which can be revoked at anytime with no expected repercussion.
The question that I need answer for are:
Did Anesia violate the confidentiality of her office or the department she is assigned to?
Did Anesia in her presentation bring her office and department in to disrepute? Ralph must understand Anesia or any government employee cannot be held responsible and accountable for the whole government service but they are held accountable for the information they are exposed to in the line of their paid duty.
Did Anesia knowingly lie on anyone or about anything or did she slander anyone in her presentation?
When Anesia speak about Ralph Gonsalves and his ULP government was she just relating checkable collaborated fact?
Was Anesia’s only offence was the fact that she was bold enough to speak the truth?
Are we saying that as long as you are employed with the Government you are only permitted to criticize religion and your neighbor and does it all depends on who your neighbor are?
It is the expressed intent of the constitution, that every citizen has the rights to live their conscience, and to freely practice all of the rights that their nation’s constitution award to them. If it was not the intent then their would have been a clearly stated distinction. The fact that an individual is an employee of the State (Government) should in no way diminish that person’s rights to practice his or her conscience. No one or institution should ever interfere with their freedom of speech, prevent them from constructively criticize anyone or anything even the government; to expose lies and liars, unveil corruption, and prevent a corrupt government from deceiving the people and cause the enactment of a dirt document (constitution) to aid in their evil.
Are we promoting the growth of negative character traits in the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines by sending the wrong message? Are we suggesting; that as long as an individual is employed with the government, a public officers; they are required to see management misuse public funds and say nothing, are they to look at corrupt public officer as the practice their illegal habit in public office and against the nation and say nothing. Are they to see wrong committed against their fellow colleagues and are bind to silence; could this be right?
Now let us examine the paradox of this situation; firstly, Ralph Gonsalves was accused of Raping and sexually assaulting a serving police officer; yet he being an elected public officer is made to run about in his capacity of Prime Minister, beating his chest like a baboon on steroids and is allow to sit in the same House of Parliament, discussing the affairs of the nation with dignified men like Arnhim Eustace. Then again a Vincentian Canadian lawyer made a stunning revelation that Ralph Gonsalves: Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines try to rape her but her resistance only allowed him to sexually assault her; I shudder to think of what would have happened to this lady if she did not take matters into her own hands and resist his efforts; yet Ralph Gonsalve the accused rapist and alleged sexual predator is left in his lofty portfolio to prosecute poor little Anesia.
What did Anesia do in comparison to Ralph? How is it the creators of Anesia's troubles and those who are bold enough to publicly support the actions against Anesia were not brave enough to call for the arrest and prosecution of Ralph? Is this a case where Vincentian only have strength to trample upon the rights of our women?
Anesia Richards-Baptiste should not be made to deal with such foolish stress. She has been a credit to he family, her community and her character. It is unfortunate and shameful that Ralph Gonsalves the accused sexual offender; will once again use his office to cowardly try to break another strong Vincentian. However there are some of us who take pride in our legacy, who are not for sale, who don’t throw around their loyalty blindly, who is stronger than Ralph and his group of cronies will ever know. Like every loyal child of Jehovah Anesia is going to be better, stronger and wiser.
It is time that Ralph Gonsalves understand that loyalty and respect cannot be bought, forced, or manipulated but loyalty and respect has to be earn. Ralph Gonsalves is going to learn this lesson the hard way. I have seen and felt the repercussion of lending a supportive voice on behalf of Anesia. But the truth must be told, and I am not afraid to speak the truth or to criticize anyone for as Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. I am a good man that cannot stand the stench of evil hence the reason my voice will not be still by fear.