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Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Far Were You Willing To Go?

At times individuals are forced to wonder, how far their adversaries would be willing to go in order to win a bottle when egos clashes. When all is said and done, would it have made me a better person if I win the little cat fight that we often get entangled in. It is a different thing when an individual is taking a stand against an ill, or standing up for someone who are too weak to stand for themselves.

I use this blog and other forum to expose the imposed hardship I experienced while I was in Bermuda. I suffered many injustices, stress, and other unwarranted hardship at the hands of two of my country men and Commissioner of Police George Jackson and Superintendent of Police Randolph Liverpool as well as Mike Jackman. all my troubles came because I stood up against evil and launched a campaign to have Ralph E. Gonsalves arrested and charged for the allegation of Rape and sexual assault of one of my ex-colleague: female Police Constable (who abundant her quest for justice and walked away due to the stresses that was imposed on her) and later the allegation brought by a young Vincentian human rights lawyer who resides in Canada; both of whom will remain nameless for obvious reasons.

There were some interesting activities that occurred behind the scenes that I have never spoken about. These experiences only seek to show that when certain character type (people) think you are down, they develop the tendency and desire to participate in the demise of the victim. I was not surprised when one of my Vincentian brothers in the Bermuda Police Service knowingly became a tool of my adversary. This person’s conspiratorial action will shock you to the core.

Each time it was made public that Ralph Gonsalves had a death threat made against his life, a particular Vincentian police officer who is policing in Bermuda will come to my apartment outfitted with recording equipment, all in an effort to entrap me in either confessing to him of plotting or making threats against Ralph Gonsalves’ life. At times my fellow countrymen will do so in the presence of certain people who are willing to present even a slip of my tongue as evidence in a court of law.

You may ask yourself or attempt to ask me, why my fellow country man will do such a thing. I will attempt to outline his reasons.

It is important to know that he had agreed to be a tool of “The Friends of Ralph Gonsalves and a foe of Allan Palmer. Firstly the Bermuda police authority did not have any just reason for my suspension and thus my suspension was a direct violation of my contract, my human and constitutional rights as well as the international labor laws. The police authorities were afraid that I was going to sue if I was reinstated. They also had promised Gonsalves that they will stop my campaign against him; but most of all they not count on me making such a noise; they though I would have roll over and play dead like the hundreds of other they exploited who were blinded by the money or were to weak to fight back. The fact that my campaign against Ralph Gonsalves did not stop despite threats from George Jackson the Commissioner of Police, who threaten to take action against me if I do not desist from calling into the radio programs and writing in the News paper in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as Jackson called termed it “saying nasty thing against Mr. Gonsalves.” I informed George Jackson in the presence of Now Assistance Commissioner of Police Jackman; that he cannot instruct me not to participate in the affairs of my country.

How Far were they willing to go?

In Bermuda there is a Conspiracy charge that is widely used; it does not take much to prove that you have conspired to commit a criminal offence. It was their intention for the Friends of Ralph Gonsalves to gather evidence against me and charge me for conspiring to kill Ralph Gonsalves.

Did you notice that there were always vague reports of threats made against Ralph Gonsalves’ life, and there was never specific information associated with the threats? Were the threats made via telephone email or threats made via the postal system? Asked yourself why it is, that the threats against Ralph’s life had suddenly stopped. No one was arrested, no one was taken to court and no one was convicted for any offence related to the threats that were made against the life of the Head of Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Is it that the person(s) who were making the threats no longer has an interest in the death of Ralph Gonsalves.

In this technologically advance world, even a phone call made from a barred telephone, be it domestic, satellite or cellular phone can be easily tracked and the same with an email communication. It may be harder to trace/track communication that was made via the postal service system (a letter) but not impossible. Such communication can be tracked to a specific location narrowing the search to a particular post office, postal facility or postal receptacle most of which are surveyed by hi-tech electronic surveillance system.

Threat made via the telecommunication system or email can be easily detected. If the powers that be receive a threat against a head of state or head of Government, if the authorities have reason to take such threats seriously, then the source of the threats can be easily detected. However it is not so easy to detect the sender a threat laced mails when such was sent via the postal service system. We have examples of the trouble P John found himself in some years ago, when the election gimmick he undertook behind the guise of anonymity, he circulated a document that was damaging to Ralph Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party via the internet. He was quickly discovered and was forced to make a public apology in order to avoid the consequences of a lawsuit.

Now, was these threats against Ralph Gonsalves’ life that was released to the press; were they just a part of the well laid plans that were coordinated to entrapped and have me charge for conspiracy to commit murder; the victim being the Prime Minister of St. Vincent: Ralph Gonsalves.

Could you imagine how this would have affected my life if I was so even charged and so convicted of conspiracy to murdering of a head of government? But Jehovah is good and has been good to me.

This plot failed in the same way the plot the Bermuda Police Authority also arranged for my downfall, when they use the beautiful young lady, to try and pressure me into giving her basic information about herself from the police system failed. I love women, but I know where to draw the line.

The big question that I am yet to answer is: how far did this plot went? Was it just a plot that found its origin, execution, failure and thus was just limited to the friends of Ralph Gonsalves in Bermuda or did it stretched across the sea to the office of Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves? And if so what was his role and how deep was he involved? What is in the dark will soon come to the light.

Other questions that just came to mind are: how far were you all willing to go? Was the imprisonment of an innocent man been enough to satisfy your egos and your crave to do evil?

To my brother who join the ranks of the evil and whose efforts were targeted to my downfall and my imprisonment just remember what goes around comes around.

Three Cheers for Colin Williams.

After many months of public outcries, after all of the efforts that was made by Kay Bacchus Gill and the human rights Association; as well as the efforts of Arnhim Eustace in his capacity as private citizen, community leader and political leader of the parliamentary opposition; about the ill-treatment the community receives at the hands of members of the nation’s police force, we saw four police officers being charged for offences resulting from allegations of an assault on a fellow citizen. Such assault occurred whilst the officers were operating in the line of duty; ironically there duty is to protect and serve every member of the community.
The charges were laid after the Commissioner of Police was instructed by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) to investigate the matter. It was said that the Commissioner of Police drag his feet for many months on what was to be a simple investigation. Yet, after taking more than the expected amount of time he presented a piece of work that was of a substandard quality, so much so that the Director of public prosecution had to inform the Commissioner how to conduct the investigation and give him detail instructions as to; what to do and when to do it.
I am not surprised that Miller was/is unable to distinguish a flawed investigation when one is presented to him. I doubt he is capable of recognizing his own reflection if he saw it in the mirror. We all know that Miller is not a very bright man; that is, unless he is down on his knees awaiting Gonsalves’ instructions.
I guess Colin Williams is basking in the glory of his accomplishment that was derived from his action. Now he is a folk hero, the one who stepped up to the plate and took the valiant actions that was needed. But is Colin Williams a hero or just a zero? Was Williams’ actions against the four police officers (one of whom the charges were dropped) an act of courage or one of a weak man imposing himself on even weaker people in an effort to appear to be strong? Don't get me wrong, I am not writing in defence of the police officers; but I am only seeking to put on exhibition the hypocrisy that exist here.
We all know that the office of the DPP is an independent office, in this office the DPP and his staff has but only one boss, which is the law of the land; and it is only the law that should guide them in their quest to ensure that Justice is done on behalf of the community.
However just over a year ago, a female police officer brought an allegation against Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves, She claimed that he (Ralph) raped her while imposing on her his unwanted sexual touches thus violating her body. This was when Colin Williams DPP should have proven himself to be strong and a man, but he (DPP Colin Williams) was not concern about the crown’s case, instead he put all of his energies into fighting the case for the defense, who just happened to be Ralph E. Gonsalves the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Colin, why didn’t you ensure that the case the female police officer brought against your buddy Ralph Gonsalves was so investigated? Are you a DPP who only ensure that justice is done when the poor and the weak will be at the receiving end of Justice System or is there one justice for offences committed by Ralph E. Gonsalves and another justice for the rest of St. Vincent and the Grenadines? Let us for argument sake say, there are/were new allegation brought against Ralph E. Gonsalves are you going to pursue such allegations in the same manner you pursued the four police officers? are you going to ensuring that the reports against Ralph E. Gonsalves, is properly entertained, investigated, charges preferred and a preliminary investigation (PI) decides if there is enough evidence to have a trial?
Everyone knows that Colin Williams is not strong enough to do what is right regardless. We all know that if such a thing is to happen again, the DPP will be down on your knees puckering up your lips to do only God knows what for and to Ralph.
It is open season on police officers in St. Vincent, when you are the victim you are made a victim again (like the female police officer), and when you are wrong you get the same treatment. My police brothers are operating in a no win situation for when they are wrong they are wrong and when they are right they are still wrong; it is so sad; for they are victims of their loyalty.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Constitution: A Closer Look

The Constitution or the supreme law of any nation is a body of laws that should be instituted by the people to meet specific needs. Some of the more pertinent requirement is to safeguard the needs and rights of the people of that generation and future generations from certain ills, and to ensure that an acceptable way of life is preserved while securing the following:
Guard against injustice in its widest from.

2. protect societal values, morals and norms

3. Guard against Anarchy of all kind.

4. to ensure the rule of law prevails and it is actually blind,

5. To provide a justice system that is free from corruption, as well as ensure that justice is free, fair and available to all.

6. And to ensure that the systems are in place to preserved peace, foster goodwill and ensure the wellbeing of those that dwell in that land.
The enacting or the revision of a nation’s constitution is not an assignment that should be taken lightly; neither is it a task that should be undertaken by selfish men, with egoistic personalities, who lack strength and wisdom. For such a critical endeavor can have far-reaching consequences on the people of the day and on future generation if prudence, wisdom and good judgment are not exercised.
It is no secret that I do not trust Ralph Gonsalves: the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines or any of his actions. So when I heard that he was going to undertake the awesome responsibility of overseeing a constitutional review, I took that news with a pinch of salt, tremendous worry, apprehension and fear. This along with the fact that everyone knows that anyone Ralph Gonsalves hand pick and who later receives the rubber stamp of approval from his cabinet is either a stooge or a puppet. One who is willing to Jump, hop or skip at his command.
We have seen this in the behavior and example of the following:
1. Colin Williams the Director of Public Prosecution in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Colin was a young man with lot of positive potential who had failed to realize his potential.

2. We also have the example of Keith Miller the Commissioner of Police in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Keith is a young man who unfortunately lived up to his true potential.

3. And there is the elder statesman: Mr. Parnell R Campbell QC, who was made to resign his NDP held political portfolio, by Ralph Gonsalves: when he leader of the opposition. By this incident we can conclude that Mr. Campbell integrity can be questioned. In my opinion he is one who should have been wiser; but unfortunately he is one who has become giddy from going full political circle on to many occasion, one whose inconsistency have caused him to become so intoxicated that he cannot serve no objective purpose.
It is for these reasons that I have been going through the document that is titled “The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Constitution act 2009.” As a result, my scrutinizing eyes have picked up the following discrepancies.
I was of the opinion that the constitutional review and the Commission that was to undertake that review had an objective of ensuring that the Constitution of St. Vincent and the Grenadines kept up with the changing times, legal changes, and international advancements. However section 14 (1) of the preamble makes provision to replace the Governor General with a president. This section had therefore convinced me that; the constitution review which was ordered by Ralph Gonsalves Government was not only to bring the nation’s supreme law up to date with local, legal and international changes; but it was and is intended to equip St. Vincent and the Grenadines for the transition from an independent State to a republic. Am I the only person who was not aware that, this was the expressed intention of the constitution review or is Ralph Gonsalves and his government trying to put one over on us (Vincentian)?
I also find it strange that according to the preamble, section 6 (2) of the soon to be instituted President will have a tree years grace period to change “any” existing law that he sees fit, by publishing such in the official gazette. What is unfortunate is this part of the constitution did not specify which type of laws the president has the power to change, alter or amend. Here we have a situation where one man has the power and authority to bypass parliamentary procedures and amend any portion or body of laws he feels like; depriving the people who were elected for that purpose the opportunity to function in their capacity to draft, prepare and present amendments to bad laws to the house. This is the perfect way of sneaking a piece of no-good law onto the people, (selling them into slavery) and thus creating an unstable political and social environment. Such Wily Nelly method of changing, and or amending any portion or body of law, presents the perfect opportunity for unscrupulous men to act in their own interest or in the interest of a group etc. and sell the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to the highest bidder. In such cases the highest bidder is often the head of government who is obsessed with power; or some multimillionaire from a distance shore.
Another issue I am going to address in this discourse is one which aroused my suspicions. I am very suspicious of the reason why Chapter 6, section 69 (1) (a) is so wide. This section opens up the opportunity for people with duel or more citizenship to hold elected office in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Now let us for argument sake conclude that such a person is elected or appointed to one of the political offices in the St. Vincent House of Parliament and after taking such office, that individual mess with our country’s finances and steal the little money we don’t have. Then that individual can run off to anyone of the countries they are citizen of and enjoy the good life.
In my opinion this is the Prime Minister’s way of ensuring that his son Camillo Gonsalves who is a citizen of three countries, St. Vincent the country he is least loyal to, has a secured political career in S.VG; and so this part of our constitution is dedicated to Camillo Gonsalves. I cannot see the sense in imbedding such into the constitution of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; this can and will have serious implication in the present as well as the future. It is a sad thing that we are not mature enough to think of the future; unfortunately we can only see in the now and how it is going to benefit me.
Today we are living in an era of sophisticated technological advancement, an era where there has been unbelievable advancement in teaching and teaching aids. Now people with disabilities after they have received the correct training to offset their disability; they have been attending IV league schools, attaining note worthy education advancements, have excelled in various fields, (holders of degrees) functions in many capacities and in many instances they have even excel beyond their able body colleagues. Yet we see Chapter 6, section 68 of the new and soon to be enacted constitution discriminates against people with disabilities.
Isn’t it a shameful that in such an era like this one, the new Constitution of St. Vincent and the Grenadines has discriminatory clauses? And isn’t it embarrassing that the blind, the hearing impaired and the physical disable are the ones who are subject to such discriminations.
Sec. 68 (1) “A person shall be qualify to be elected or selected to be a representative if, and shall not be so qualify to be so elected or selective unless he (the term “he” here is sexist and therefore automatically disqualifies females)
(d) is able to speak (this disqualify the person who is unable to speak no matter their academic qualification and competences there are so many intellectuals that cannot speak) and, unless incapacitated by blindness (people with the learning and ability of New York City Governor David Paterson is excluded) or other physical cause (this automatically disqualify People with the ability and tenacity of four term US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR and would have automatically disqualify Larry Bascombe if he was alive), to read the English language with a degree of proficiency sufficient to allow him to take an active part in the proceedings of the national assemble.
This in its-self is indeed a primitive step which will take St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the wrong direction. Can you believe the audacity of the government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to discriminate against people with physical or other impediment? Not only in though and actions; but such evil, discriminatory and insensitive biases will soon be legally enforced; as such are embedded into the supreme law of St. Vincent, are you kidding me?
In my opinion there are too many ambiguities in the constitution as it stands. I am of the opinion that cobweb has taken over the legal minds that was entrusted with such an important responsibility. I cannot wait to read the final draft.

Ralph Gonsalves, You are Not Qualify to Address Such Topics

When Barrack Obama the current president of the United States of America speaks; his peers, colleagues, supporters and his detractors are left in awe, holding onto every word that falls from his lips. Barrack Obama does not possess any exceptional quality or qualities that make his hearers float on his words, he does not use a conglomeration of sophisticated words in order to impress his hearers, he do not try to appear as one who is learnt and he does not have the alluring voice of an angel: a voice that is laced with a mesmerizing sensation that enthrall the undivided attention of his hearers.
Many people have been studding the content of Barrack Obama’s speeches. They have been studding his speech pattern and all of the other intricacy of his presentation; however they are still unable to detect what give him the ability to captivate his audience the way he does. Unfortunately what they are looking for cannot be found in his speeches, his words or his mannerism. For Barrack Obama’s alluring power is not in what he says or how he says it, as fate would have it, it is found in the integrity that makes up his character. There is something about a strong character that lends power to a person’s appearance, their word (spoken and written) and their actions; such characteristics that cannot be replicated or imitated.
Lately, many people with mess up character have been trying to create their own Obama moment, one such person is Prime Minister Ralph Gonslaves. He goes about making speeches, not because such speeches are needed but in order to fluff his ego, to gain recognition and respect within the region. His objectives as transparent as they are, drives him to address topics he is not qualify to deal with; in doing so he try to speaks on matters of human ills, he fruitlessly try to lend words of motivations to people who need to be inspired and he often fail to bring light of hope to the hopeless. Unfortunately Gonsalves is a man whose character has been so defiled that he would better serve the members of his species by maintaining an eternal silence. This is so for reason I will develop as I continue in this discourse.
Each time Gonsalves opens his mouth to speak, instead of blessing he blights and weary the ears of his hearers, his words are perfect representation of a paradox: his lifestyle are in total disharmony with his words, words which he (Ralph) is unable to trust.
Recently I was exposed to a speech Ralph Gonsalves made on the Isle of spice: Grenada. In his effort to create an Obama moment he created yet another paradoxical moment. He caution his hearers not to be come entrapped by learn helplessness, however he neglect to careful examine his words, for we all know that for every instance where an individual is afforded an opportunity to learn, such lesson must be taught by a teacher, although many lesson are though by the traditional teachers (human); very often our teachers are nature and or even circumstances which create learning moments or experiences.
He also asked his hearers not to adopting a defeatist attitude or personality or as he called it adopting the principal doctrine of “it cannot be done.” The question that must be answered and is on everyone’s mind is: Does Ralph Gonsalves qualify to use such words or to make such speeches? These are questions each person must answer for them self. I challenge Ralph to justifiable answer these question publicly.
Daily Ralph imposed such lessons and he persuasively taught Vincentian the most binding lesson in helplessness; while also teaching the populace that it cannot be done. He was instrumental in creating the circumstances that cause each of us to learn from our experiences, how to be helpless. Ralph Gonslaves was/is the ideal teacher on helplessness and hopelessness. He not only taught it, he ensures that such lessons were superimposed on the psyche of Vincentian. Such imposed teaching may very well leave a mental impression on the people and cause them to develop mental complexes that may very well affect member of that community for generations to come.
He made the masses helpless when he promoted incompetent people into post they are incapable of handling, causing them to exist in an environment of mental helplessness. He is responsible for the state of bewilderment Vincentian now exist in, as they helplessly and hopelessly wait for service promised, and for their life to improve; regrettably there is no visible or imaginary means of such improvement. This can be seen in the poor health care system that exists in the country, the lack of employment that existed even before the global recession. There is also the poor personal example he set for the people as a role model: he taught decent citizen that it is ok to disregard their decency to get what they want; but more so the rapid increase in reported police brutality only aids in compounding such helplessness.
Ralph Gonsalves is the principal instigator and the perfect teacher of the principal doctrine of learnt helplessness which is: “It cannot be done.” He even went as far as to teach his parliamentary colleagues and those whom he surround himself with, that they are incapable of doing anything: this is exhibited in the way he allows his ego to micro manage every aspect of the government and the lives of those around him. He encourages people not to believe and to develop the mind set that their dreams can and will come through; he used his office to propagated that there is no place in his government, his life and his world for integrity, hard work and honorable motive, which are the driving force of success. Helplessness is what happens when the driving force of success is taken away. Unfortunately individuals who exhibit such independent, ethic and are hard workers are victimized.
We have seen so-called honorable men who were once champions of Justice and truth, when caught in the grasp of Ralph’s, they broke under his pressure, as a result they trade the virtues that characterizes a strong character for life of ease, (I will not unmask such by making a public record of their names) while the real men whose values, principles and ethics are far above that which can be traded like a common commodity, are made to undergo hardship. Such virtue and valiant actions must have something more than intrinsic value.
“It cannot be done:” in the courts of Ralph Gonsalves victims are beaten into submission, just like the female police officer and the Canadian human rights lawyers whose allegation of rape and sexual assault were hurriedly swept under the rug by weak men in powerful positions; but an un-normal bulge in the rug still remain, revealing the hidden mess that is yet to be properly taken care of. I must say that all of the wheeling and dealing will not detour Lady Justice, for she will not be deprived of her opportunity to present her public performance in poetic wonderment, a performance she uncomplainingly await to deliver: poetic Justice.
It was only a matter of days after Ralph Gonsalves try to create his Obama Moment by admonishing the people of the Caribbean not to embrace “learnt helplessness,” and not to buy into its principal doctrine which is “It cannot be done.” Here is a case where the great counselor Ralph Gonsalves, forget that example is still the greatest teacher, he fail to follow his own counsel and use the opportunity to teach his student (including himself) a valuable lesson. Instead, in a display of self taught helplessness, he burst into a tangent of childish rage pointing his finger at his CARICOM neighbor: Barbados, threatened not to play with the other members of CARICOM if Barbados do not confirm to his code of conducting the affairs of their nation. Did Vincentian elected a spoilt child to be their political leader?
This is what was meant when Ralph speak of learn helplessness and buying into its principal doctrine of “it cannot be done. Couldn’t Ralph Gonsalves the nation’s lead statesman and chief diplomat find some diplomatic avenue of addressing the concerns of Vincentian as it relates to the immigration differences between both countries? Or is he frustrated that he no longer holds the influence and respect he once held among his CARICOM colleagues.

PM Gonsalves Actions Reason to Avoid Becoming Indipendant Nation

In the 1900, but more so in the 1960s and the 70s, many of the British Caribbean colony, was encompass with a revival of black consciousness; this consciousness came rapped in many packages, know by different names and evoked a subtle disdain for the Country which held their sovereignty. The men and women in this era, who were fresh from academia, became impatient with the imperialist/monarchical system; which was viewed with contemptuous eyes. A system whose people manipulated the law to justify slavery and the other segregated system under which our Negro fore parent suffered the indignity of contemptuous treatment and the belief that foster an inferiority complex among the Negroes people.

Such treatments were carefully documented; such care that ensure the record was intentionally inked in err; omitting socially inhumane treatment for several reasons.

  • To hide their wicked deeds from their neighbors and friends.

  • To ensure that the conscience of history look of them favorable.

  • And to quiet the conscience of their Christian beneficiary who did not care for the gruesome detail that accompanied the acquisition of their wealth.
This new conscious awakening inspired the intellectuals of that era, to inform and recruit the populace, later secure the mandate to pursue and break allegiance with the mother country: England.

It was the views that these countries (colonies) that they did not need the mother-country (England) from whom their economical growth and stability was embedded. The countries economic stability and safety were fixed in the protective economic loyalty that the mother country held for her estrange colonies. Many people argued that it was the least England could do for benefiting form and building a mighty empire on the blood, sweat and tears of our people.

Before Economic Globalization most of the countries that sought and gain independence such as Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago had their economies took off and subsequently collapsed as a results of poor administration, political corruption, and the exploitation of savvy, ruthless international businesses community; that out talked, out thought and out maneuvered the inexperience and naive politicians. Unfortunately this still occurs today.

After globalization and such proposals like the free trade initiative summon the collapse of the economies of the other Caribbean states. The estrange mother country had to revoke and pass legislations that provided a level plain field to accommodate international trade. This new situation forced the once protected former colonies to compete on the open market with companies that were capable of financing elaborate operation than they can; thus making it possible for the former colonies to effectively compete in such an environment. The financial viable companies out produced and out sell the smaller primitive operations of the independent countries.

These states never understood how dependent they were on the countries that held their sovereignty, until economic globalization and the international free trade agreement took away a protection they would have maintained if they remained colonies.

It is no secret that those countries that remained under the supervisory hand of Great Brittan are in a better economical position than all of the countries that chose to become independent states. It is important to note that England do not have a direct hand in the day to day economic affairs of these countries; yet they are able to sustain a healthy economy and thus in most case ensure a high standard of living for their people.

Today there are many of these territories with ambitious men who possess burning, inflated, testosterone compressed ego; that feed that fetish to be a part of positive history and are hell bent on trusting independence onto the people who they were elected to serve. I hope that these politicians take a look at the current state of their sister Caribbean independent countries. It is the wise that learn from the error of others. There is also a wise old adage that said if it is not broken don’t fix it.

Let us take a critical look of some of the plagues of independence and you may conclude which you want for future generations. In most oversea Territories are endowed with a governor that possesses the power to take certain decision that are in the interest of the member of the territory. These representative does not possess unquestionable powers. For if he or she acts inappropriately, that individual can be recalled and dealt with or can be made to face charges if his inappropriate actions was proven to be criminal.

Unlike that of a leader of a sovereign (independent) state like St. Vincent and the Grenadines who’s Prime Minister thinks and behaves like one with ultimate power. A man of very little integrity, one who use indecent gesture (Show the middle finger) at members of his community (his constituent) in public and fail to apologize, one who a female police officer brought allegations of Rape and Sexual Assault against, one whom a young Human Rights Lawyer brought allegations of Sexual Assault against. Unfortunately for these two valiant females Ralph Gonsalves Prime Minister of St. Vincent used his office of Prime Minister to manipulate the criminal justice system to evade prosecution. It was also unfortunate for there were other female within St. Vincent and the Grenadines who claimed they were victims of Ralph Gonsalves sexual exploits there were cases that were filed and later withdrawn due to the press conference that threaten to sue anyone who try to implicate him in any such allegations.

Let us say that the female police officer, the young lawyer and the other victims who became afraid of the intimidation of the Ralph E Gonsalves the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines were true, what does this mean?

If you don’t know what it meant and still mean, I will endeavor to impart with my clairvoyant intellect and bring you up to date. It means that the victims were not only stripped and raped of their sexual treasure, the sanctity of their body were violated, and each time they were deprived of Justice (the ability to get a lawful hearing according to the laws of the land and the legal system) they are raped anew, each time the boastful no moral Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines appear in public and erroneously exhibit his arrogance they are raped again.

Now think is this the type of country you want for your people, is this the system of unaccountability from a politician who has within his power the resources of the states (though scarce they may be) to illegally inject such into his political campaign to purchase constituent loyalty, rig election, intimidate constituent, etc.

It was as a result of the Canadian human Rights lawyer persistent and with her fearless fight that cause her to give this interview to the local press, (Click here to hear the interview)

Always remember when you beat a helpless dog one day he may just bite back and he may just have rabies. Lets see who is going to get angry because of this article and what action they are going to take.

Where is Justice

After reading the story on the Caribbean New News, which carried the caption “Sacked Vincentian Lawyers Puzzled over Firing” my thoughts ran even wilder that Jane and Tarzan in their wildest moment of passion put together. But these new developments have a foul smell emanating from them. I hope it is just my oversensitive sense of smell. I also hope it is not a case where this young lady is converting from a victim to a prostitute. I will develop this thought in another letter if I am allowed to do so. I hope it is just a case where the delay in justice has caused the alleged victim to rethink her approach, and is now going to try something new.

It is said that justice delayed is justice denied; but what is justice? Justice is the impartial distribution of treatment or the decision to take an action that is morally right, based on ethics, rationality, law, fairness and equality. Because no one can honestly tell whether individuals involved in a dispute are being truthful or not, civilised societies have instituted a system of justice, that was designed to try and discern right from wrong and to administer justice based on its findings. Although the justice system is not a perfect system, it is a fairly reliable system; but most of all it is the only one there is.

This system is so designed not to discriminate against anyone; it was not meant or designed for the poor unfortunate people, and it was not designed to give people a free pass depending on your social, financial of other status. It was meant to treat everyone as equals. If one ran afoul of the law, that individual or individuals are expected to face the consequences of their action but only if it is/was borne out or proven that they have without lawful excuse or willfully violated an individual’s rights.

In every situation that requires the justice system’s intervention, there will be satisfied and dissatisfied people; but what makes our justice system special is not whether an individual is guilty or not guilty (not guilty does not mean innocence), it is the fact that they have allowed the system of justice to follow its natural course. It is all about equity, and the principle that what is good for one is good for all.

I can remember one of my father’s signs, which read, “The arms of the law stretch into the cottage of the poor as well as the castle of the rich.” The unfortunate thing is the poor seem to live in the valley where the law operates and the rich live on the hills where they can look down on society’s less fortunate. Hence the reason the arms of the law always seem to fall short and justice is always incomplete when society’s elite are the offenders; but when they are offended, justice comes swiftly and it is sure.

When the elite of the society have to face the not so sweet music of the justice system, these are the times when people’s integrity seems to have a price tag and a sign which reads, integrity for sale the highest bidder gets the favour.

St Vincent is now lying in the ruins of corruption. The people (Vincentian) who were once considered the warmest and the friendliest people on earth have lost their integrity, their hospitality and their love. Now we have become a “we will do anything if the price is right” people. Our Carib forefathers have probably regretted giving this people and the dwelling such a distinguished name laced with blessings as Hairouna, which means home of the blessed, to Maroona, which means abandon or leave behind. Because that is what we as Vincentians have done; we have marooned our values, our pride, our ethics, wisdom, all hope but most of all we have marooned our people.

The worst thing is the simple fact that the John the Baptists, the Jonahs and the Elijahs: the men of God that operate in St Vincent have forsaken the instruction of the lord Jesus Christ; men of God who fear the authority of powerless, earthly mortals but spit into the face of the all powerful Immortal God.

It is no wonder that our youth are behaving like mad people and valueless beasts, craving after everything that is negative, and practicing exactly what we have taught them. We are excellent teacher of the negative. Now there is no turning back for Vincy (new name Maroona)