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Friday, May 21, 2010

Becareful With Your Detractors

Each of us has created enemies each day and some times people hate us for no reason at all. In other case, you may be like me, have a high intolerance for corruption, injustice, hypocrisy and mediocrity parading as professionalism; coupled with a very opinionated personality. Whatever category you fall in, you must always remember there will be people who will just look at you and develop a dislike for you, so it is important to be smart as a serpent and may I add, just as vicious also.

We must always remember that at times the best revenge our menaces will ever have is to see us disgraced. There is nothing that will bring greater pleasure to their heart than to see the person whom they hate with a passion, make one of life’s grand mistakes, get arrested and convicted, lose a job, become suddenly ill, or become addicted to some addictive substance.

It is important to note that these people who are motivated by hate, depending on how strong their passion is; will not fail to do you bad or employ other to do their dirty work for them. In today’s world where men has lost his values, ethics, sense of moral, etc. they can find someone, even one who is close to you, to do their dirty work in bringing harm to you.

There are many people who are walking around today, who are hooked on some addictive substance, were the unsuspecting victim of some one who intended to and seized the opportunity to mess them up. There are many who have died unexplained deaths who were the unsuspecting victim of some detractor. Speaking of such death; my mind ran in Michael Hamlet; who has the most acute case of kidney failure I have ever seen in my life. I ought to know about Kidney and Kidney failure.

Speaking to someone who was close to Mr. Hamlet and who were working in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital at the time and speaking to someone who was close to Michael and his then fiancée. I have concluded that Michael Hamlet was killed (yes Murdered) as a result of a chemically induced kidney failure.

The unfortunate thing is a person who want to do you harm can do so with very little effort. If you are working, living, dwelling or frequent the same area of someone who does not like you, you have got to be careful; even if someone who do not like you frequent space that you spend prolong period of time.

Here is an example of how easy it is to do you harm.

Take for example product with an inhalation warning on them like marine, enamel paints and other chemicals. If these products are hidden in close proximity to a place where you spend long period of time in a manner that its fuse can escape into your environment can have serious long term effects on you. Conditions that can affect your reproductive health, brain function, affects your kidney, your heart and respiratory system (lungs etc) and cause cnacer.

If you have ever become nauseated, develop an instance cold or stuffiness and these symptoms only appear when you are in a particular place, you may have reason for concern. Such induced chemical cold or allergies if continue over a prolong period can result in conditions that can affect your reproductive health, brain function, affects your kidney, your heart and respiratory system (lungs etc) cause cancer and eventually death.

What to look for: Sudden inflammation of the upper respiratory system, dry cold that generate bright yellow mucus, caught that feel like your throat is tearing, gluey mucus that are difficult hark up, pain in the joints and regular spitting and harking.

If you experience these symptoms and you discover that the symptoms increases when you are in a particular place, a bedroom, an office, your car etc. then you may be a victim of someone who are trying to do you harm. Becareful my people for these are desperate times.