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Friday, November 26, 2010

Song Dedicated to Mr. Arnhim Eustace: Titled Mr. Integrity

Below is a song that I wrote to honor Arnhim Eustace a politician who resides and fight to change the way of life in of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I hope you enjoy this song and the video I prepared to accompany the song.

Song Title: Mr. Integrity
Written by: Allan Palmer
Music Arrange by: Godfrey "Cherry" Ince
Lead Vocals: Allan Palmer
Back up Vocals: Allan Palmer

Below is extract of an article that was taken from the blog Vincy Kalaloo that was written by Amor Rodney.

Eustace the Black Aristocrat

Arnhim Eustace is simply a man of class. He has never written an autobiography so very little is known Arnhim Eustace

about his formative years. Arnhim grew up in Kingstown, Edinboro to be exact. His mother was a teacher and his father was a businessman. Like Gonsalves, Eustace had a good education, having been trained as an economist. He spent most of his working life at the Caribbean Development where he retired as the third highest ranking member of staff.

Eustace does have an aristocratic bearing and he may be described as a proud black man. For all of his adult life he has been associated with decency. Eustace is not known for tempestuous outbursts; he is not known for the use of profanity; neither has he been tarnished with misconduct towards the opposite sex. Indeed Mr Eustace has been invariably described as “straight as a pin”. And, he has aptly earned the sobriquet “Mr Clean”.

As a national figure, Eustace has the tendency to restrict his public statements to critiquing government policies and to advancing the proposals of his party. One cannot recall hearing him ranting and raving in personal attacks and insults to anyone. Eustace is the consummate professional and the epitome of civility in public affairs. So much so, his critics often describe him as “soft”. However, Eustace’s general approach is but a reflection of his aristocratic bearing. He is a man of superior manners, impeccable speech, and exemplary conduct. Mr Eustace his a man of class!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Reply to Wade Kojo Williams Sr.

I read with interest the article that was written by one, Wade Kojo Williams Jr. which was captioned: Show Real Leadership Eustace. And I was disappointed in that content of the letter.

It is amazing that when some people chose to criticize other, in the same manner in which I am about to criticized this article, we very often do not take the time to apply wisdom or the understanding before we do such or even to step into that person shoes for a moment or examine the persons experience and search for and get an understanding of their action or what they were speaking about. This article is a perfect example of one speaking out of turn and not fully understanding what he is speaking of. What is leadership? Before I explain what leadership is, I will present some often miss interpret characteristics that most people, Kojo included identifies as signs of leadership but is clearly the behaviors of idiots.

It appear that Wade Kojo Williams Sr. want Mr. Eustace to march to the ignorant beat of the drums he and others are playing and in the process have Mr. Eustace throw away his dignity and behave like Ralph Gonsalves and the other leaders of yesterday; leaders who led in an autocratic manner, not giving those who they were called upon to lead, the opportunity to learn from their mistakes without humiliating them.

In the case or Ralph Gonsalves, who do not know any better and uses the public humiliation of those he leads, as a tool of manipulative control of the same, who is also guilty of gross misconduct in the house of parliament; who each time he takes the mike at a public meetings teaches the community what self degradation is all about and who failed to practice integrity and good judgment in his office of Prime Minister. It is important to note that all of Ralph Gonsalves' public display, are just a big show to covering up his insecurities and in the process make a desperate attempt to prove that he knew/know what he was/is doing, while he destroy the esteem of the men he is called upon to lead.

The sad thing is; now that Ralph had done tremendous damage to the self-esteem, integrity and characters of the last crop of politicians he led; is the fact that he has chosen to replacing them with a new crop of talent all of whom he is going to destroy once again.

Arnhim Eustace is a far better leader than you or Ralph Gonsalves or anyone who went before him will ever be, he is not into publicly belittling the people who follow him and in the process making them look silly in the eyes of their friends, family, children and constituents; reducing them to less than men and presenting them as a shell of their former self. We all know that Arnhim Eustace has the resolve to make, take and verbalized though decisions when they are needed and he does so in his own unique way and time.

Wade you have got to understand that the qualities that you have admired in the so call leaders of the pass, qualities you have tried to emulate in your own life and the quality you use as a measuring stick for others are not the qualities that constitute a good leader. I hope this is not a case of you can’t teach old dog new tricks, if it not, I will suggest that you get a note pad, a pencil, take a good, close and continues look at Mr. Eustace and take note for you are now seeing on display the characteristics that constitutes a leader extraordinary.

A leader is a man who, encourages growth, enhances the self-esteem of the people around him/her, a teacher of moral; encourages strong ethics, an upholder of principles and one who provide exemplified direction.

Leadership is about less talking much action; it is not about shouting, arrogance and imposing oneself into every matter; even those that can be resolved appropriately without your input. So now that you know what is and is not leadership, Kojo what are you going to do?

By the way why do you feel the need to end your letters with: Former Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Is that suppose to mean something or is it suppose to enhance the meaning of the idea you are trying to put forward, many ah idiots have been made speaker of the house in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. That position was once given out as a reward of association and financial contribution and I hope you were not one of those.

A Reply to Wade Kojo Williams Sr. Part 2

It was not my intention to reply to anything, my newly acquired friend Mr. Wade Kojo Williams Sr. write in defense of his pride; however, since he (Kojo) publicly stated that he is looking forward to my reply and I also felt the need of providing some clarity to some questions Kojo Williams Sr. asked; as well as, to point out a few observations I made in Kojo’s letter.

Brother Kojo, if you knew me well or at all, you would have known that I am the simplest of men you will ever come across. I am not in the habit of defending myself which I do not intend to do, this is so because honesty, integrity; truthfulness and Justice need no defense; these are the characteristics that constitute my life, and by extension, these qualities are reflected in my words and in my actions. One of the things I learned from my parents, teaching that was reinforced by my siblings (mainly my big brother Albert and my sister Clara) and that which is now cemented by the Christian principles that now govern my life. That learning is: let honesty and truthfulness be my constant guide and closest friend.

In his letter, Kojo Williams Sr. accused me of attacking him and Ralph Gonsalves in a letter that was written by me and was published by the Caribbean News Now on the 2nd October, 2010; I will declare here and now, I did no such a thing. I simple give an analytical prospective of the people and qualities whom in Kojo’s writings are portray as leaders and leadership. I use the one Kojo hold up as the personification of good leadership: Ralph Gonsalves. I did this only to make my point.

In doing so I showed you and your readers the lack of leadership skill that Ralph Gonsalves possess and I provided valid and justify examples of such. I also took the time to contrasted Gonsalves lack leadership skills, with that of one who is and has been exhibiting exquisite leadership skills in his capasity as private citezen, Servant of the people as Prime Minister when he held that post and now as Leader of the opposition in SVG: Arnhim Eustace. I also took some time to break down and present the characteristics of a good leader as well to bring to Kojo's attention those qualities he so admires as qualities of a good leader, such as those that are on public display in his mentor Ralph Gonsalves are in deed misguided.

On the point of using insult, creating fear and intimidation:

Mr. Wade Kojo Williams Sr. I do not posses the disposition to “intentionally” do evil to another for no justifiable reason; so with that in mind I cannot and I am not able to instill fear in anyone; I will not knowingly insult another, for their self-esteem do not belong to me to tear down as I see fit, and I am too simple and loving a man to ever be called intimidating. However; I must say that to the dishonest, the unjust, the unethical; the hypocrite and to the liar the truth rightly spoken, written or lived out in the life of anyone who values its principles can instill fear, intimidate and “appear” to be an insult to those who practices such evil and injustice. It is all a matter of one’s conscience and their prospective.

I know my words, written and spoken possesses tremendous power and it is quite obvious that my writings have indeed intimidated and strike fear in the heart of Kojo Williams Sr. Ralph Gonsalves and all dishonest people who practices evil. When I read between the lines and pay attention to the tone of kojo Williams Sr. last letter, which is captioned “I will not be intimidated,” I saw one who is trying to patch up what ever is left of his ego. Another sign that my writing has intimidated Kojo Williams Sr. is displayed in the fact that he had abandoned his well coined valediction: “Former Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker in St Vincent and the Grenadines,” need I say more.

On the point of Ralph Gonsalves developing St. Vincent, Kojo let me asked you two simple questions and they are:
  • Since Ralph Gonsalves’ ULP took officer have they cause the resources of St. Vincent and th Grenadines to grow or to increase?
  •  Are Vincentian and the economy of St. Vincent and the Grenadines better now, than the period Just before Ralph Gonslaves took over the affairs of the state of St. Vincent and the Grenadines?
Please don't answer those questions, for I don't want you to fall into the category of people whose emotions state are transformed from the intimidation you now feel to fear.

Kojo you ought to be careful who you hold up to the light, for it is an opportunity for them to be carefully scrutinized; don’t you know, that under close examination; their reality may very well be an embarrassing experience for those you so boastfully choose to exhibit.

Let me end with this quotation from the poem Strive to be happy by Max Ehrmann: As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Legislative Integration The New Segregation

                                                      Art work from: The Church Awaken

Legislative integration the new segregation

The systems that made slavery, apartheid and any other form of racial segregation legal, were not only wicked but was a slap in the face of the Creator God, who made all man equal. Such legal government systems, should have never existed, however; such existed and exist as a result of man’s inability too fully appreciate, understand and accept the beauty that is found in differences. Such inability has the capacity to manufacture fear and fear if it is not dealt with appropriately; can be easily transformed into hate. We must always remember, where there is hate, there are extreme and ugly behaviors. So it will be correct to conclude; such behaviors and system were/are born out of fear that eventually, evolves into hateful actions and behaviors.

Western integration was born out of the idealistic intention, which had as its primary goal: the unification of the races. I must conclude, the approach that was used to accomplish this critical social change; although it was absolutely necessary, it was the wrong approach. I was necessary in that the members of the white or the Caucasian community was not willing to let lose on the lifestyle, they have grown accustom to and enjoy; a life style that had at its roots the exploitation of blacks; as well as, the rooted belief that members of the black race were less than human and it was within their rights to treat their property like property. Legislative integration was the wrong approach for true integration must and can only come about, through mutual respect and appreciation for and among those that are divided; qualities that were none existent between the races, at the time legislative integration took effect.

Most members within the white community saw the new system of integration, as taking away their God given rights to hate and practice hate; one that forced them to interact and play with those they had nothing in common with. On the other hand; the black population who existed under a system that encouraged segregation in its varying forms, saw integration as a welcome opportunity to get involved and participate in activities they were denied of: because of the color of their skin.

As a result of legislative integration, there arose some new situations, which saw some members of the white community resisting such changes at all cost. They were willing to sacrifice even their civility; they broke the law, trampled on societal norms and violated all semblance of ethic to resist such changes. The level of hate was so high that white sympathizers, were treated with the same level of contempt as their black counterpart. This leads me to ask a very important question, which is: did such ideology and practice evolved from a misunderstanding of differences and a lack of an appreciation for the same or was it a case of people’s desire to be evil and practice the same?

Members of the black community longed for the opportunity, to embrace the freedom they were unjustly denied of, for so long; a freedom they only dreamed of but now, a freedom they hoped to embrace and experience. Unfortunately, the black community were to experienced a rude awaken, from their dreams of freedom. This occurred when their dreams collided with a very harsh reality of the day. For although the laws were enacted; they were not enforceable. There were two main reasons that made these laws UN-enforceable and they were:

1. The dominant white decision makers that govern the community were not ready to surrender the privileges and the life style that they enjoy as a result of these system.

2. The section of the community, endowed with the authority to enforce the law, also benefited from this system. They were not willing to acknowledge and sought justice on behalf of someone who, in their opinion, was less than human and inferior (blacks people) against those who were considered their own: members of the white community and the presumably superior race.

This belief had a tremendous impact on the new system and was responsible for changing the landscape and social dynamics of the western hemisphere. It fueled an underlying anger and hatred on both side of the fence that sought only forced the people into a new dimension of segregation.

When one considered that western segregation saw the black community being denied of their basic human rights and privileges; it appeared that the members of the black community had nothing to lose and every thing to gain; such was a threat to the acceptable way of life of the white community.

Later, when perception had changed, consciences were troubled and the laws became enforceable; the community saw another side to and of segregation which still exist. This resulted in the withdrawal of members of the white community from the community wherein they lived. The greater part of the white populations refused to interact or associate with the blacks for business, religion, social activities etc. they participated only in activities that were absolutely necessary.

The self imposed recursion of members of the white community, provided more opportunity for the members of the black community, which was seen as part of the perks that came along with their newly acquired rights. With the newly acquired rights came a bold and intrusive attitude which under the circumstances was not justifiable but very much understandable. This was so when one considered the degree of brutality some whites were willing to inflict on blacks in order to deny them of their God given and their legal rights.

Integration was intended to be a positive tool, that was meant to enhance the life of the people in the black and the white community; however, it was totally misunderstood and misapplied by the people it was meant to help. As a result; a system which was meant for the good of both, the black and the white community, backfired and instead of becoming a blessing, it became a curse. A curse which continue to affect the said communities even up to today.

Integration was meant to provide the Caucasian community with an appreciation of blacks, their talent, and skills; they were to inaugurate the strengths of the races to create a better community for all.

It was meant to give member of the black community, the opportunity to exist in the community on equal footing, with that of their white counterpart. Unfortunately the two supreme objectives were lost in the hate that existed previous to integration and that which developed after legislative integration came into effect.

Some ways Legislative integration negatively affected the black community

• It seems as if a large cross section of the black community have been told NO! You can’t! You are not good enough; so many times and for so long, that they actually believed, they were not good enough and this was reflected in their negative attitude towards anything that was black owned, made and inspired; in relation to that which were white.

• Another aspect that deeply affected the black community; was the No factor. Some members of the black community have been told NO so many times, for so long and for no justified reason that when they were giving the legal opportunity to participate in the community affairs, they were willing to defy the authority of the white population and claim their now legal right to participate in that which was forbidden as a result of racial prejudice.

As a result of the lack of white support, the negative psychological reinforcement among blacks towards that which was owned and produced by members of the black community; the defiant attitude among some within the black community that spurred on their zealousness, to ensure they were not denied of the opportunity, to participate in their newly found rights had serious negative impact to black enterprise. The combination of attitudes saw black art, black talent, black invention etc. suffered tremendously.

Here a situation was created where the white community refused to acknowledge and or support anything that was made, organized, operated or created by members of the black community; while On the other hand, a large cross section of the black community had been so cultured and conditioned to believe that nothing black was good; in other words nothing that was made, created, organize, operated etc. by members of the black community was good and the things of the white community was better than anything the blacks made. While another section within the black community patronized the white businesses etc. just to defy the white racist owner and to practice their new found liberty. You can see the negative impact these three situation had on businesses, inventions etc. that were made and operated by and within the black community.

This inferiority mental complex within the black community and the willingness of the defiant black to challenge the white racist community in order to practice their liberty, led to the failure of many black enterprises. The failure of the black businesses etc. which resulted from a lack of support from the black community only sought to transform the community into what it is today: a race of consumers. Even today, unfortunately; we can tell from the common practice, of the overwhelming majority of people of and from the black community; that the belief that nothing that was created by members from and within the black community is good; is still prominent.

In short while the black enterprises went out of business, the white establishment, leagues, invention, creativity, schools, organization etc. flourished and as a result, the black intellectual and talent flocked to the doors of the white form and run organization to lend them their expertise, skill and talents aa well as their consumer support.

A good and amplified example of this was the United States of America as well as Bermuda. In the USA we saw black entrepreneurs started black base ball, basket ball; foot ball league, theaters etc. to facilitate the Negro players and talents, who as a results of the color of their skin; were denied the opportunity to compete and participate in the white ran and owned leagues. It is strange that the Negro leagues had better players, coaches and teams than that of the white leagues thus the competitiveness was also greater than that of the white leagues. Yet it was the sole ambition of the black superior player to make it in what was the inferior leagues to compete against inferior players. In Bermuda it was the businesses. We have seen many black business suffered for basically the same reason while the white businesses experienced prosperous existence for centuries.

In the U S A, the sports and art situation was a unique one, in this case it was not about a desier to be apart of something that was better but the black players and artist were longing for the acceptance and recognition of the whites segregationist and they did all in their power to be accepted. Today we called those people heroes, champion of the civil rights movement, men and women who tore down barriers and open doors for blacks. However in my opinion I see this as an institutionalized and accredited failure.

Such should have been the opposite; in that, the white inferior players, singers, actors, dancers etc. should have been upping their game in order to participate and gain acceptance in the black leagues and to preformed on black stages. These socall heros were instramental in ensuring that members of the black community continue to be seen as inferior and they did so at tremendous damage to their pride, self-esteem and black dignity.

It was only when the white leagues and teams saw the economic benefits of inaugurating blacks supertalents into their leagues etc. that such happened at tremendous negative impack upon the black leagues. This resulted in the black establishments being forced to go out of business for lack of talent and by extension lack of gate return.

In the area of invention the transitional segregated system created many challenges for black inventors to patent inventions, as a results many black inventors lost their invention to the wealthy business men and women of the day who became wealthy by patenting and initiating mass production of the invention they had not participated in the creation of, while the inventors lived and die in poverty.

Legislative integration failed to benefit the community, for it only sought to change the dynamics of segregation and facilitated the evolution of a more complex, discreet, not easily identified form of segregation. A needed system that was not properly managed by the community; in the processed and in more ways than one the system failed to benefit those whom it intended to help, bring about the community changes it was design to affect. However it only sought to drive a transparent wedge between the races that continue to keep the races apart.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010My Short Presentation Before the MTA Board Of Director Of New York State

On the evening of Tuesday 21th September 2010, at 6:30 PM I attended a town Hall Meeting that was held at the Brooklyn Museum and was organized by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in accordance with the law of the state of New York. This meeting was held by and before the board of directors and other decision making person that are responsible for the general management of this vital institution. Such meetings are a lawful requirement of the MTA before they can make or take any major decisions or actions that can affect the public. As a member of the commuting public who rely on the MTA to get to and from my destination throughout New York City I felt it necessary to attend this Town Hall meeting to offer my opinion on the matter.

There were over a hundred people who made presentation at this Town Hall meeting; I was fortunate to be among the conscious public transportation commuter who saw it necessary to ensure that my voices was heard.

Each person was given the duration of three minutes to make the presentation, below is the short three minutes impromptu presentation I made.

Good evening ladies and gentle men, I hope that you are able to understand my rich West Indian accent. It is no secret that the MTA provides a very vital service to the commuting public. It is unfortunate that the MTA have dug itself into a deep financial ditch, it is also unfortunate that the MTA can only find two means of increase their cash flow which are:

1. They put thousands of low and middle income workers out of work, while the people who are making the significant wages that can impact the indebtedness of the MTA remain employed and without wage cut.

2. They increase fare.

These are not creative means of accomplishing the objective that the MTA now faces.

I have a few questions that I will like to ask.

1. After the last increase in fare, did the general ridership increase or decreased?

2. Did the increase in fare positively impacted the MTA profitability or did they experience a decrease in the general income of the MTA?

The MTA is a retailer and they retail the service of transportation like any retail enterprise the MTA need to increase the volume of sales, if they ought to be profitable. The MTA also need to find significant ways in which to reduce its operational cost.

The Challenge

Let me challenge you guys. When I look at the podium I see well intended dignify men and women. With that in mind let us speak about leaving a legacy. I know you all are capable men and women; you need to work to leave a legacy for your children and your grand children. Your children and grand children must be able to boast at school and with their peers that my father or mother grand father or grand mother was responsible for turning around the MTA without breaking the backs of the poor people, I know you all are capable of coming up with creative means of accomplishing this, it is time to get your creative juices flowing and leave a positive legacy for your children and grand children thank you.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ralph Gonsalves Defense of Unethical Practice.

                 The API Presentation of Ralph Gonsalves: Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

After listening to a presentation that was made by Ralph Gonsalves: the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, on the government information program: The Agency for Public Information (A.P.I); I was shocked with the debt at which the Prime Minister had sunk, in order to pull the wool over the public eyes. Prime Minister Gonsalves, took time and effort to justify the questionable business transaction of Desmond Morgan, the ex- Chairman of the National Commercial Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; transactions Morgan initiated with the said institution while he chaired the institution’s business.

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves' understanding of economic and his business sense leave much to be desired. After listening to his presentation I asked myself one question, which was and still is: what is the state of  the economy in the land of my birth? This thought came to my mind after I remembered Ralph Gonsalves is the Minister of finance and his main responsibilities are to manage and grow the resources of the country.

Let me take this opportunity to lend a rational view to Prime Minister Gonsalves presentation.

In the opening of Ralph’s speech, he describes Desmond Morgan; the Husband of the attorney General (the Government legal counsel) as being honest in his dealing with the National Commercial Bank P.L.C. But did the action of Desmond Morgan and his business dealing with the N.C.B can be described as honest. I will take some time to address this matter also.

The point at issue in the Desmond Morgan’s saga, is not whether he had a legal business transaction with the National Commercial Bank, but whether he use his influence as Chairman of the N.C.B, his affiliation to the Unity Labor Party (U.L.P) and his friendship with Ralph Gonsalves to manipulated and or pressure the bank management and staff into giving him a loan to organize and run the failed Blue Skies Communication Company? Did Mr. Morgan also use his influence to neglect his responsibility to service the loan which is now over two million dollars with the interest? Another question which answers must be found for is; why didn’t the bank, follow bank policy and common practice, by liquidate the collateral interest of Desmond Morgan, which is alleged to have a value some of 4 million EC dollars? Collateral that Morgan put up to secure his loan.

If the bank had followed its policy, common, expected and good business practices in this case, they would have recover the money owing to them by Morgan and his company and in the process, avoid a lengthy and expensive court procedure to recover monies owing to the institution.

I was also shocked and very much ashamed when The Prime minister try to justify a scheme that was proposed to the N.C.B by Morgan. A scheme that requested the bank to allow him to invest its collateral interest to form a new company Omega limited. Morgan was to then deposit the shares certificate and the transfer of shares with the N.C.B and in the event Morgan continue with his pattern of continual neglect of his financial obligation to the National Commercial Bank, then the bank will automatically become the owner of the shares of a worthless company.

Here we have a situation, where Desmond Morgan, had a well though out plan to dump his worthless business upon the State owned bank and walk away with the invested value of the properties he put up as security, to ensure he get the loan, safe and secure in his pocket; while he leave the share holders of the National Commercial Bank: the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, with the burden of bearing a debt, which a key member of the U.L.P: Desmond Morgan had accumulate and subsequently abandon.

To allow Desmond Morgan to reinvest the properties he put up to secure his loan is to take away the bank only real mean of recovering the monies Morgan owe to the National Commercial Bank thus making it almost impossible baring a court order, for the Bank to obtain its money.

Ralph must come to the understanding that financial institutions, such as the National Commercial Bank and institutions of its kind that follows good business practice; choose only to deals or trade with and in money; and the use of collateral are to aid the banks in recovering from, its delinquent borrowers, money owed to the institution. It also acts as a tool to motivate the borrower, thus ensuring they take their obligation to and with the bank seriously, which lead them to develop the type of responsibility that cause them to be consistent in servicing their loans.

Another point that I must bring to Ralph’s attention is: it is not the intent or objective of any such financial institution (banks) to acquire, and manage for a profit; any such unrelated retail, wholesale and or service oriented business. Therefore the N.C.B will not have any financial interest whatsoever, in acquiring any business that cannot be liquidated into that which the bank trades.

Now, one may asked; why Ralph Gonsalves would sacrifice coming on national television in a prearranged interview that were arranged by him and his advisor and was conducted and presented by the A.P.I be exposed to an international audience; which only portrays him to the entire world as a financial imbecile?

If you are wondering why I will tell you why. Judith Morgan the attorney general of St. Vincent and the Grenadines has his the Prime Minister's scrotum in her hands for transgressions done. Take my word for it when I tell you that Ralph Gonsalves is powerless to take action against Desmond and or any other member of the Judith's family. More on this to come at a later date.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anesia Richards and Allan Palmer Coinsidence or Jehovah's Leading

I do not believe in coincidence. I believe everything is ordained by Jehovah God; at times, we may not know or understand why a certain thing happens and in our ignorance we ruled such as just coincidences. This is especially true in the lives of the believers. Jehovah has made certain promises to his children and because he takes not his words and or his character lightly he is very mindful to ensure he plays an active and integral role in the life of his children. He cannot afford to take any thing for granted; it is on this biblical principle I base this belief.

In middle of 2004, a person calling him or her self Joe wrote to the editor of the Search Light Newspaper. This was done in an effort to test the water as it relates to sympathy for homosexual or homosexual tolerance; this generated a back and forth discussion about homosexuality in the Search Light Newspaper of which I was a part. This discussion went on for several weeks to the delight of the editor and the reading public and it was responsible for casting a light on homosexuality and the growing trend that it was fast becoming.

Normally when I come across such articles I will cut out the portion which bears my name. I did this for several reasons but the main reason was for storage purpose. However the article which was published on 6th August 2004, did not see me disect that newspaper page to extract that which pertained to me, this time I save the whole page. A few weeks ago I came upon some old articles which was written by me and was published in the news papers; it was then I made a staggering revelation. I discovered that I shared page 12 of the search Light News Paper as dated above with my friend: Anesia Richards.

Was it a coincidence, even back then; we were bold enough to stand up for the truth and speak out against that which is wrong in Jehovah’s sight? Was in a coincidence that after Ralph Gonsalves had allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him and because I voiced my dissatisfaction about how the matter was handles and Gonsalves’ involvement in the matter that I was victimized at the instruction? A period of harassed and a bogus investigated that saw me receiving over 20 internal charges which eventually lead to my resignation.

And was it a coincidence that just about a year later and in the same manner; Anesia Richards stood up against the dirty proposed constitution another dishonest act of Ralph Gonsalves and as a result of her action for justice she received basically the same treatment I received at the Hands of Ralph Gonsalves? I say no, these events are not coincident. May be you will like to read what we had to say back them I will make the articles available below.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Don't be Con by Ralph Gonsalves Desires for Perpetual Governance

Malcolm X
"By any means necessary": this term was made popular by Malcolm X and it was use to alert black people of the attitude that must be adopted to ensure self-preservation in a system that has institutionalized and took a discriminatory stands against a people because of the color of their skin, an oppressor who have manipulated the resources of the country and in the process took away the rights of the working class people to succeed but ensure that this people always fail, remain in poverty, and practice violence against each other etc. Today 38 years after Malcolm X delivered that speech, and 37 after his death; not much have change as it relates to the black community in America and the advancement of the people. However America have kept alive the quota system, in that a few blacks have been allowed to be elevated, while it is business as usual for the majority of the working class. We have seen Barack Obama mounted the seat of the presidency and now holds the office of president of the U.S.A but what else have happen this people.

Foresight is a quality that keeps in check the honesty of the dishonest and cause men of no or little repute to take a stock of themselves; this is so because, they know that their behavior are being predicted and monitored. It is no different with politicians, especially dishonest politicians. In St. Vincent, the Vincent community ought to be vigilant and keep an eye on the Prime Minister and his cabinet who in my opinion cannot be trusted.

In St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the time when the people are constitutionally required to go to the electoral poles to exercise their constitutional right for the purpose of selecting the individuals and a group who will administer the affairs and grow the resources of the country is quickly approaching. It seems as if the political tide has changed drastically and the ever popular Unity Labor Party (U.L.P) and its leader: Ralph E. Gonsalves has lost their popularity with the people and they are on their way to an unprecedented electoral defeat. Gonsalves has a bunch of professional panhandlers making a loud noise, trying to convince him that he still has what it takes to regain governance of the State. Fortunately for him, Ralph has already taken a reality check and he knows that his end is close at hand. The big question he has to ask himself and find the answer for is: can Ralph handle not being in the seat of political manipulation; for that is what the honorable office of Prime Minister mean to him.

Although the opposition party and the Vincentian community are in a mental state of political readiness, as they patiently awaits the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights, I have a nagging suspicion that Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves has some thing else in mind and he is ready to deny the people that opportunity (to exercise their democratic and constitutional rights to accept or reject him at the poles).

Well let us review the events that blighted Ralph Gonsalves' era of political governance.

1. He was proven to be a man who offers lip service and had no conclusive, feasible or economical short of long term plans for the country's development.

2. He has played Russian roulette with the life savings, all of the hard work of the people at and the integrity of the Nation’s bank The National commercial Bank and ran it into economic ruins.

3. He has two outstanding Sexual assault allegations to answer.

4. He has one allegation of rape to face.

5. He has many more such allegation to be publicly file against him when his defeat is recorded and acknowledge by the state.

6. He has been arrogant, disrespectful to his political peers and the Nation as a whole.

7. He was involved in nepotism and other form of corruption.

8. He and his party have been involved in many questionable large money transactions which was made public; for which the Prime Minister was unable to explain for fear of self incrimination.

9. The divisive and divided political dogma that was propagated by Ralph Gonsalves and his party that lead to the unfair dismissal of many well intended patriotic Vincentians form their pose because they fail to hold the same political views as he did.

10. The Dirty constitution which was dictated and was proposed by Ralph Gonsalves but was shot down by the people in a referendum.

I can go on and on with the colorful infringement that has been committed by Ralph Gonsalves and his Party all in the name of Good Governance.

When we review the above primitive practice that was exhibited by Ralph Gonsalves and to a minor extent his party the U.L.P. Do you really think, Ralph Gonsalves is going to give the authority to the people of St. Vincent to determine whether or not he remains in his position of manipulative political control; do you think that Ralph will give such a privilege to the same people whom he despises, at this critical juncture of his political career?

Well let me conclude that the reported criminal allegations and the new yet to file criminal allegations that Ralph Gonsalves will have to face (even from silent victims who now resides in Canada) are more than enough, for him, not to leave his future in the hand of Vincentian. If we closely examined Ralph’s pass believes and customs along with his inability to control his behavior and other passions; we will be able to get a clear indication of his intent for the future.

The constitution of St. Vincent and the Grenadines gives any sitting government the authority, in the event of unrest, serious development that may merit the government from abstain from having an election, the power to forgo such and to continue the governance of the state until the state return to such conditions that is conducive for the holding of an election.

I have a lingering feeling that Ralph Gonsalves is going to use whatever state funds remaining to create the conditions that will allow him to legally forfeit holding a general election in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and therefore cause continual and indefinitely forfeiture of a general election in St. Vincent. What Ralph fail to obtain with the dirty constitution which was so craftily design and was intended to have the people relinquished total political control to him in good faith; not knowing what they were doing. I am convinced that Ralph Gonsalves will accomplished by any means necessary his youthful ambitions of total governance of St. Vincent and the Grenadines by trickery and force.  

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Relationship Between the Victim of Rape and Their Predator

When a person is raped, they experience many psychological effects, this is as a result of the unwanted sexual imposition. Apart of the psychological effects that was discussed in the article titles the “The Psychological Effects of Rape" there are other effects that impacts the victim. Such effects lends to a very unhealthy unspoken relationship between the victim and the predator.

Over time, this relationship evolves into one of fear on behalf of the victim and subtle aggression on behalf of the predator. This is the type of relationship that develops between the victim who chooses to hide the shame they feel and in the process avoid the societal stigma that is associated with having such heinous defilement imposed upon them.

Most people, who have not been blighted and has suffered the unfortunate experience of being sexually victimized, may not be able to comprehend the chemistry that exists between these two individual (the victim and the rapist). However; because our understanding does not allow us the ability to comprehend this relationship as well as the psychological power the perpetrator has over his subject, in no way mean that such relationships does not exist. In some cases the victim and the aggressor are unaware of the development of a psychological pattern that impacts their behaviors and emotions especially when there is a confrontation of any type (a meeting of the eyes, an encounter on the streets at a function etc). This also includes the awkwardness that occurs when they are forced to interact.

It is important to note that any time a victim of rape or any form of sexual abuse; becomes so afraid of the stigma that is associated with rape and because of their fear’ they cause their predator to escape the long arms of the law and by extension the justice system; they not only deny the system to work on their behalf, they encourage the perpetrator to create new victims, put themselves at a grate long term disadvantage and they deprived themselves of the opportunity of living as normal a life they could ever hope to live under the circumstances.

The predator will become bolder in his demeanor while the victims wither away on the inside. The victims are then forced to spend awaken days planning to avoid a confrontation with their rapist and finding new creative way of ensuring that their secret is kept secure.

In most cases, victims of rape, who chose to remain silence about being raped are often raped again either by the same person or another rapist. You may not know that these sexual predators have developed the predator’s instinct and thus are capable of identifying and isolating easy victims knowing who it is safe to impose upon etc.

As time passes, the victim may even stand up, in the defense of their abuser. This may be done in the hopes that their victimization will not make public; they will deny the inhumane and hideous treatment their predator inflicted on them, and in some cases they will aggressively denounce any victim of their predator who found the strength and courage to stand up and take action against such an individual for sexual the crimes that was committed against them.

In the case of a young person, who were raped and sexually abuse especially if such was done over a prolong period of time; in such cases, as time elapses, the victim becomes more and more like a slave, and very often complying to the sexual pleasures of his/her victimizer who sways a manipulative, psychological control over them. In some cases this unhealthy and unlawful sexual imposition may have been the first and only sexual encounter the person may have ever known and as a result; this unhealthy and unlawful sexual relation becomes normal to the victim. The victim may become entrapped in vicious sexual practices and thus passing down the victim’s personality to their children; creating the environment for their children too become victims of such abuse and or rape.

I must mentioned here, that approximately seventy five percent of the person who were raped were born of/to and were socialized by a dominant parents who were themselves were silent victims (a person who were raped and kept their rape a secret).

It is a common fact that when silent victims of rape or sexual abused are involved or induced to participate in conversation that reflects or portrays their abuser negatively, the victim will often shy away from such conversation and avoid anyone that is critical of the person that has or is praying on them. This is so for fear that the aggressor may discover; the victim were disloyal, thus forcing him to reveal the embarrassing secret they both share; thus exposing the victim, to the shame they spend most of their time; trying to avoid.

The unfortunate things about the victims are: he or she always see his or her self as the victim and therefore fail to see the leverage they hold over the predator. In a community and civilization where, there are laws that are put in place to protect the victim; this give the victims of rape and other sexual crimes much power; unfortunately their fear whether real of perceived hampers them from understand the power they have. The victims of rape who were brave enough to come forward and ensure their predator were exposed and face the justice system actually took back their life and their independence form the predator. These people even without counseling will be/are awarded the opportunity to live as normal a life that is possible under the circumstances. it must be understood, there is no removing the scars of rape but the wounds that were created do not pain as much as they use to.

In order to avoid exposure, the victim try to please his/her sexual exploiter, he or she will try very hard not to anger their sexual predator, and in most case they feel safer when they are isolated. We have the unfortunate story of Jaycee Lee Dugard; who was abducted when she was 11 years old and remained the sexual prisoner of her abductor: Philip Craig Garrido and his wife Nancy, who kept that child hostage for eighteen years even causing her to bear him two children. In the mind of this child, this sexual encounter was the only sexual experience she had ever known and as it was done for an extended period of time, this sick exchange became normal to her.

Unfortunately; in this society that we all love so dearly, we have many victims of rape and sexual abuse who are so afraid of the stigma of rape; and in turn, they are afraid to do anything to upset their rapist or sexual abuser, they do not have an understanding of the power they possess, the power to confront their aggressor before the court of law and see them locked away for a long time and in the process break the victim’s cycle and avoid passing the victim mentality, personality and behavior unto their children.

If you are a victim of rape or sexual abuse, speak up and take back the power your predator had taken from you. Yes you I am speaking to you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

NDP Convention 2010

I listen with intent to most of the speakers that make presentation at the New Democratic Party (N.D.P) convention on Sunday 11th July 2010. I must say that the convention was a well planned function, a sign of the brilliant leadership that is exhibited in Mr. Arnhem Eustace. I enjoy the presentations that were made. I particularly like Burton Williams presentation; however I was disturbed with his choice of words; when he used the word batty, which when used in our Vincentian/Caribbean context is seen as obscene and vulgar but which has a completely different meaning from the contextual way it is commonly used in St. Vincent.

The first question that came to my mind is; is Burton Williams trying to resurrect the old politics for which he was booted out of his elected office for. Mr. Williams please remember, you are now under new leadership, and in a new political era, in this early stage of the game you cannot afford to be suffering relapses such as the one you had on the day of the N.D.P convention 2010. You are a likable man and you have more political experience than most in the party so you have to be an example to those who are politically younger then you are.

Please remember that Arnhem Eustace has been consistent with his message, attitude, behavior and his vocal expression; in doing so he has risen the political standard of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Burton I give you the benefit of the doubt that this error is just that, an error and not an attitude. Please remember this is not the error of continued apologies, this is an era where men are called upon to live their conviction.

The Leader’s Address:

Unfortunately I did not hear the presentation that was made by the leader of the opposition and the leader of the N.D.P. However someone provided me with a copy of bosses speech. I took my time and I read with interest. In my opinion it is a shorten version of what is to be a powerful manifesto.

It was disturbing to know that although Ralph Gonsalves is going around beating his chest about Education Revolution that the plans he is implementing is a program that was design, by, for and is being implemented by the all O.E.C.S countries, in their effort to create universal access for secondary education. Ralph Gonsalves did not even had the common sense or the decency to change the package in which the program was presented; thus improving the commodity but choose only the change the term by which it is commonly known and sold the program to us as a fresh idea that came from his mind.

I was shock to learn of the high dropout rate and the poor graduation rate that exist within the secondary school community and we are not speaking of the overwhelming number who never made it into the secondary school system. It is also sad to know that the only thing that we export is food and we are importing three times more food than we export. So when we compare the total export earning with the import spending there must be a gaping deficit and as a result the country may very well be accumulating massive foreign debts.

When I see how Arnhem Eustace plan to raise funds to settle the local debt the government have accumulated, which will encourage reinvestment and thus employment, all in an effort to stimulate the economy and in the process encourage economic growth, amazes me. The simple yet feasible plan to give a fresh boos to agriculture and tourism.

So while Ralph Gonsalves is appealing to the eyes of the community, in his effort fool the people by showing off the community centers that they have built all over the country, with no sustainable plan or financing for those projects which is causing the country is falling even further into economic hardship; hurts my heart. There is hope all is not yet lost; we have a leader in Arnhem Eustace, a leader who is looking for creative ways of repairing the damage that Ralph Gonsalves and his U.L.P has created and is creating even now.
                                                                                            Distress sign
But what is even more shameful; is the fact that the only viable commercial entity that the nation has: The National Bank namely: the National Commercial Bank was ran aground by the destructive, interrupting leadership of Ralph Gonsalves. It is clear that Ralph had taken state resources and treats it as if it is his own. He must be blame for the destruction of the nation’s bank. I must say anyone who work in that institution and stood by silence without raising an objective voice is also to be blame for the demise of the Bank. There are some things that is more important than a pay cheque; such things like integrity, honesty and courage to stand up when you see wrong, injustice and corruption.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Becareful With Your Detractors

Each of us has created enemies each day and some times people hate us for no reason at all. In other case, you may be like me, have a high intolerance for corruption, injustice, hypocrisy and mediocrity parading as professionalism; coupled with a very opinionated personality. Whatever category you fall in, you must always remember there will be people who will just look at you and develop a dislike for you, so it is important to be smart as a serpent and may I add, just as vicious also.

We must always remember that at times the best revenge our menaces will ever have is to see us disgraced. There is nothing that will bring greater pleasure to their heart than to see the person whom they hate with a passion, make one of life’s grand mistakes, get arrested and convicted, lose a job, become suddenly ill, or become addicted to some addictive substance.

It is important to note that these people who are motivated by hate, depending on how strong their passion is; will not fail to do you bad or employ other to do their dirty work for them. In today’s world where men has lost his values, ethics, sense of moral, etc. they can find someone, even one who is close to you, to do their dirty work in bringing harm to you.

There are many people who are walking around today, who are hooked on some addictive substance, were the unsuspecting victim of some one who intended to and seized the opportunity to mess them up. There are many who have died unexplained deaths who were the unsuspecting victim of some detractor. Speaking of such death; my mind ran in Michael Hamlet; who has the most acute case of kidney failure I have ever seen in my life. I ought to know about Kidney and Kidney failure.

Speaking to someone who was close to Mr. Hamlet and who were working in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital at the time and speaking to someone who was close to Michael and his then fiancée. I have concluded that Michael Hamlet was killed (yes Murdered) as a result of a chemically induced kidney failure.

The unfortunate thing is a person who want to do you harm can do so with very little effort. If you are working, living, dwelling or frequent the same area of someone who does not like you, you have got to be careful; even if someone who do not like you frequent space that you spend prolong period of time.

Here is an example of how easy it is to do you harm.

Take for example product with an inhalation warning on them like marine, enamel paints and other chemicals. If these products are hidden in close proximity to a place where you spend long period of time in a manner that its fuse can escape into your environment can have serious long term effects on you. Conditions that can affect your reproductive health, brain function, affects your kidney, your heart and respiratory system (lungs etc) and cause cnacer.

If you have ever become nauseated, develop an instance cold or stuffiness and these symptoms only appear when you are in a particular place, you may have reason for concern. Such induced chemical cold or allergies if continue over a prolong period can result in conditions that can affect your reproductive health, brain function, affects your kidney, your heart and respiratory system (lungs etc) cause cancer and eventually death.

What to look for: Sudden inflammation of the upper respiratory system, dry cold that generate bright yellow mucus, caught that feel like your throat is tearing, gluey mucus that are difficult hark up, pain in the joints and regular spitting and harking.

If you experience these symptoms and you discover that the symptoms increases when you are in a particular place, a bedroom, an office, your car etc. then you may be a victim of someone who are trying to do you harm. Becareful my people for these are desperate times.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why Should Ralph Gonslaves Sacrifice Elected Ministers of the ULP for His Misdeeds?

Devil Sacrifice An unjust practice
Interestingly; I recently, learn on May 10th, 2010 Ralph Gonsalves; the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, while addressing a the lauders community, publicly declared that his Unity labor Party (ULP) will be presenting at lease ten new candidates in the next general election that is constitutionally schedule to be held in march 2011.

From my understanding of Ralph Gonsalves this is a dictator’s gimmick to trick the Vincentian community into voting for the failed ULP and thus giving them another term to continue their very ineffective and deficient programs, they call governance. This announcement is the basis of this article and which is responsible for motivating a series critical questions that Vincentian need to answer for themselves. I will therefore present these questions for the perusals of all.

St. Vincent is a democratic state and it is expected that all organization, within a democratic state, should operate base on the core values, principles and laws that over sees the general administration of the country. However; with this in mind, I am lead to ask what were the means the UPL used, to decide who will be deny the opportunity to render valuable service, in the capacity of an elected representative of the people. I have a sneaking suspicion; that the members of the ULP who were disqualified from seeking reelection to the seat they have so skillfully won, under the ULP banner; became so disqualified by the socialistic dictatorial personality of the almighty Ralph Gonsalves. There were no discussion on that issue; I am sure Ralph decided who will be worthy candidates then like the master manipulator he is, brain washed the intentional reject into believing that they should not run again.

The first set of questions is:

1. Does the ULP belong to Ralph?

2. Do the other members of Gonsalves cabinet have any say in this matter?

3. Does the members of the constituency have a say in who will represent them in parliament in the next election?

4. Will Ralph Gonsalves be offering himself as a candidate?

5. Will Ralph once again be offering Julian Francis as a candidate?

These are just a few of the questions that the Vincentian community must answer before they go to the poles in 2010-2011 General election. One must also again ask, was the potentially socialistic constitution that was rejected in a referendum by the people, was it Ralph Gonsalves' way of holding socialistic sway over all of SVG in the same manner in which he now holds tyrannical sway over the ULP and its supporters?

One must also ask:

• Who is to be blame for the failure of the ULP government?

• Who should take responsible for the arrogance and abusive personality of the Prime Minister?

• Who was responsible for putting the Prime Minister in such a compromising position that a female police officer and the Vincentian/Canadian Human Right lawyer were able to bring degrading criminal allegations against him?

• Who is responsible for bankrupting the economy of the already cash strap country of St. Vincent?

• Who started the faith project (international airport) that caused several billion dollars without a sound plan as to how he is going to secure funding for that project?

• Aren’t these types of faith practice reserved for members of the Christian community that work with no particular deadline in mind and who depends on the generosity of the members and their willingness to solicit?

• Who was responsible for investing scars state funds in an international airport project, with no sound plan of financing the day to day running of the airport? Thus, this project is going to be another state liability.

• Who invested needed funds in the construction of a cross country road then abundant the project after spending millions of the nation’s monies on a project that did not have any economical significant to the country.

In Ralph Gonsalves eyes, gone are the days when leaders were to man up and take responsibility for their mistakes, indiscretions and failures. It is clear that Ralph is really the problem in the ULP. With the exception of a few learning blunder and expected mistakes the other members of the ULP has function more creditable and with a greater level of statesmanship than their leader.

So you can see, as is usual with Ralph Gonsalves; he is blaming others for his failure. He fail to be a good example to the members of his party, he have failed to be an example to the youths and the nation as a whole, he failed to properly govern and grow the resources of the country and he failed to come up with sound economic recovery plans for St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Ralph Gonsalves has failed himself, he has failed his family, he has failed the ULP, he has failed his constituents and he has failed Vincentian and St. Vincent and the Grenadines: the land of his birth.

So the problem is not the members who Ralph will deny the opportunity, to faithfully serve the country they love so much, as an elected representative in the house of parliament. The problem is Ralph Gonsalves, the man whose plan it is to bring back colonialism to St. Vincent and the Grenadines; by making us a dependant of Venezuela and Cuba.

Below are some questions members of Cabinet, Members of the Unity Labor Party and supporters of the ULP should ask and find answers for and they are:

1. Why the faithful elected members of the ULP should be made to suffer for the incompetence and misdeeds of Ralph Gonsalves?

2. Why the elected member of the ULP should be denied the opportunity to run again; when their only offence was to demonstrate loyal to their party and the party leader?

3. Why should Ralph Gonsalves remain as head of the party and be allowed to run again when he was the reason for the decline of the popularity of the party?

4. Has Ralph Gonsalves been an ambassador of the core values of St. Vincent and the Grenadines?

5. Does the ULP belong to Ralph Gonsalves?

6. Why does Ralph Gonsalves get to manipulate the members of the ULP for his benefit and his political survival?

7. The constituent Groups, don’t they have the right to decide who should represent them in Parliament?

As is the habit of Ralph Gonsalves, who constantly manipulate the Speaker of the house, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of Public Prosecution, his ministers and the party supporters in order to look good. Once again, he continue with the manipulation of his cabinet, the card holding members and supporters of the ULP to ensure his own political survival. How selfish could one man be.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Letter To Prime Minister OF St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Ralph Gonsalves

               Ralph Gonsalves V/S Lady Justice

Below is an actual copy of a letter I wrote to the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Ralph E. Gonsalves. In this letter I solicited from the Prime Minister, answers to some very important questions. I also took the opportunity to copy this letter to the leader of the opposition The Rt. Hon. Arnhem Eustace, to the Stay Awake radio program; from whom I got the idea to write to the Prime Minister and to New Times Radio Program.

New York
USA 11222

Prime Minister’s Office
Administrative Building
St. Vincent

2nd March 2010

Dear Mr. Gonsalves,

How are you? I trust that this correspondence meets you in good physical and psychological health. However, because of the nature of your office, I will not waste your time with anymore formalities, but rather; I will get directly to my reason for writing to you.

As you may be aware, I have been following the events as they occurs in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and from the many conflicting news that emanates from the printed, audio and audio visual media which including the internet, are tained and it is often hard to distinguish the truth from lies, right from wrong and the fabricated from the genuine stories. I do not have any interest in rumors, lies and innuendo hence the reason I decide to over look all of the rumors, that is currently circulating within and without of St. Vincent as it relates to national governance and allegations of misbehavior of public officers in public office. As a concern citizen, I write to you as head of Government and chief administrator of the Nation's business for honest answers to the below question.

I hope you will see it fit, to treat me with the dignity I deserved and provide frank, honest and forthright answers to even the difficult questions.

1. Did you cause about one million United States of America dollars cash, to be deposited into the national commercial bank?

2. Did you or your agent give the banking authorities adequate, justifiable and lawful, account of how you came into the money?

3. Are you of the opinion that you are not entitled to inform the public of the source of the moneies in question? If yes why do you hold such opinion?

4. Don’t you think the community has a right to know about the financial and other activities of the people they elect to manage and grow the nation’s (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) resources?

5. I have seen what appear to be authentic documents, which clearly suggest that large quantities of money were exchange at the national Commercial Bank by some of your friends, members of your family and some of acquaintances. Were these transactions conducted on your or the UPL behalf at your instruction?

6. If so why did you choose to use such a suspicious rout to make a lawful transaction?

7. Don’t you think that such transaction would have been viewed by the public, as transactions that have many elements of dishonesty associated with them?

8. Did the monies in question enter St. Vincent and the Grenadines legally?

9. If the answer to question 8 is yes; please provide an explanation showing how the monies entered St. Vincent and the Grenadines by showing the paper trail.

10. If the answer to question 8 is no; please explain how the money entered St. Vincent and the Grenadines? and who were involved in smuggling the money into the country?

11. And did you authorize such unlawful movement of monies?

12. Please tell us who give the monies to you and who was the intended owners. Was the monies a loan, a grant or did someone donate the money to you or your party and for what purpose were the monies to be use?

13. In 2008 a female police officer made allegations of rape and sexual assault against you. Did you raped and sexually assault that police officer?

14. The young Canadian/Vincentian human rights lawyer; did you attempted rape her?

15. Did you sexually assault her as she alleged?

16. Have you ever raped and or sexually assaulted any male or female before these allegations were made?

17. Did you raped and or sexually assault any person after these allegations were brought against you?

18. Do you think the office of Prime Minister which you now hold, makes you better and more important than other Vincentians?

19. If the office of Prime Minister, which you holds does not make you more important than other Vincentian; why did you saw if fit, to use the influence of your office; the office of the Prime Minister to manipulate the system to pervert the course of Justice on your behalf?

20. Anesia Richards-Baptiste don’t you think that instead of having the Public Service Commission prosecute this young lady, you should ensure that she be rewarded for her valiant efforts in taking the time to study the constitution and for educating the community without being paid for her efforts?

21. Why did you feel the need to have George Jackson then Bermuda Commissioner of Police and Randolph “Randy” Liverpool to try discredit my character by plotting to have me fired from the Bermuda Police Service; and by trying to entrap me on several criminal charges one of which was: “conspiracy to kill Ralph Gonsalves Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines?”

22. Why did you arrange to send Andrew Kirkpatrick Mitchell a Jamaican hit man who lived in St. Lucia to Dominica to kill me (Allan H. F. Palmer) while I was on that island (Dominica) in October 2008 setting up a business?

Thanks for reading and accepting these question with the spirit with which they were written. I crave your patience, statesmanship and your speedy reply. Please do not feel the need to reply to me directly however these answers should be given publicly for I am sure that like me a large cross section of the Vincentian community are anxiously awaiting the answers to these questions; I am awaiting the answer to these questions.

In Service to Humanity
Allan H. F Palmer

Cc: Leader of the Opposition Arnhem Eustace
Stay Awake
Shake up
New Times Program