It has been two weeks since St. Vincent and the Grenadines has celebrated its national independence, and I have still not overcome the national depression that had over taken me. Although the 27th October 2011, was a significant date in the history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; this occasion marked the thirty second anniversary of St. Vincent's independence.
This occasion was a special and grand occasion for all Vincentian. The Rt. Hon. Robert Milton Cato, the then Premier of our multi-Island State, took the mantle and perused a course, that had only been an after thought, on the minds of the social class. However as of late, the unfortunate reality for me is; I have been unable to conjure up, a sense of national pride that should accompany such auspicious occasion. This is so because, at this point and time in my nation’s history, there is nothing for me to be proud of; but a lot has happened to cause me to be a shame to claim St. Vincent as my own: my home.
Contrary to what my critics may think, this is not an exhibition of a lack of patriotism on my part; for it is only the patriot in me, that cause me to experience a nauseating ache, deep inside of my being, when I see, the sad situation that exist in my country; a situation that encourages a consistent display of mediocrity on a regular basis. Such is not only practice by the uneducated but by Vincentians of all works of life; such is exhibited in the sad level of professionalism that we accepts, have grown to be comfortable with, get excited about; the poor level of performances we lean credit to and that which is exhibited by my people of all works of life; educational qualification and profession. But what is most Sad is the fact that the citizen of every other nations, has come to expect nothing more from or of us; as a result, they give us patronizing compliment; which is the most embarrassing tribute, one can ever receive.
On the anniversary of SVG's independence, many people saw it fit to take the time out of their day, to convey positive independence greetings to me; in all honesty, I was unable to sincerely accept and convey such happy greeting to anyone.
Like me, most Vincentians are praying, hoping and longing for something meaningful to be proud of. We are void of any thing or person of significant of which we can be proud; as a result, we stretch back into our rich history and hold onto the fact that Carib Chief Joseph Chatoyer was Vincentian, (unconfirmed findings) the fact that we once had on the music scene lyricist and such as, Alston Cyrus "The Becket," Winston Soso and others, a world renown musicians and musical arranger in the person of Frankey McIntosh, we proudly hold on to the pass in order to hide the magnitude of shame we experienced today.
It is no doubt that my people are desperate for something or someone to be produce of. This is displayed in the excitement my people generates, around carnival time, over the mediocre, poorly constructed, lyrically senseless calypsos, and Soca that finds there way on the local radio stations. Such trash is not good enough, to be exported to a foreign radio station but may receive a patronizing air-play to appease the egos and maintain a mutual relationship with those who provide the song.
There are many things about my country and people that embarrasses me and so, I PUBLICLY declares that I am embarrass with the level of professional mediocrity that is displayed by the Prime Minister Gonsalves and his inability to make decisions void of his legacy, I am disappointed because, my county is over run by balls-less males, who are incapable of teaching our young men by example the qualities that a real man should posses and exhibit, or the qualities a dedicated father and faithful husband should model; or what is to be expected of and from a man of integrity.
My eyes literally became, engulfed with tears as I reflect on the state of my country; when I think of the rapid decline in moral, the lack of applied ethics and the sweltering economic; the advancement of criminality even by people who were considered responsible people, and the over all social state of my nation. I am troubled.
I am concerned and very worried for the real state of my country and people, leaves much to be desire. We have become professional at living a lie and at distorting reality; as a result, we have devolved, socially, economically, and morally. Unfortunately; present leadership is in capable of inspiring and or leading by example in generating positive, productive change; their conscious effort only seeks to do the direct opposite. Today my country and people are experiencing a rapid level of degradation that frightens me tremendously.
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