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Monday, January 31, 2011

Will Ralph Gonsalves Be Made To Face The Music He Created?

The general election in St. Vincent and the Grenadines is closely approaching, the date has been set for 13th December, 2010 and by the looks of things, it seems as if Ralph Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party have done like the other politician and political parties of the pass; they have out grown their usefulness and they have out stayed his welcome.

It is important to note; the Vincentian community, is a very trusting and patient community. Because this is so, the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines always change a government by an overwhelming show of constituency rejection of the incumbent. This type of rejection only comes after the people were vindictively slapped in their faces with the disrespect and callousness of those who were put into political office to work on their behalf. After the community would have witness many abuses of the country resources and the abuse of political power by elected members of Parliament. Unfortunately an overwhelming number of the constituent would have publicly suffered many degrees of injustice; at the hands of those who were elected to protect the community’s rights.

The aforementioned practices, combined with the misbehavior by public officials; as well as, the unfetter acts of corruption that were practiced, encouraged and supported by the ruling political parties of the day were the last nail in their political coffin. Such were the behaviors of the political party of yesteryear.

As I implied above, Ralph Gonsalves and his Ruling U.L.P have proven faithful to the actions of their ancestors, for Ralph Gonsalves and his cabinet ignorantly walked in the negative footsteps of those who went before them and the evidence is there to secure the conviction of Ralph and his cabinet in the court of public opinion as well as in the criminal courts. Unfortunately, they are guilty of the same foolish transgressions that our political forefather and mothers had made and more. The U.L.P has lost their popularity, respect and the love of the people. Their behaviors qualify the old adage which states, if you don’t learn from the mistakes of the pass you are doomed to repeat them in the future. It is clear, the U.L.P surely did repeated the mistake of the pass and as a result, the U.L.P are swiftly heading to an overpowering political defeat at the poles that is constitutionally due in March 2010 but it is set for December 2010.

This prognosis bring to the public attention's some very interesting questions as it relates to Ralph Gonsalves, his cousin Julian Francis and the others members of the U.L.P who after taking political office, foolishly abandoned commonsense and good judgment. Ralph Gonsalves and Julian Francis had serious criminal allegation brought against them: in Ralph Gonsalves’ case, allegations of rape and sexual assault which were published internationally and in the case of Julian Francis, allegations of corruptions (shake down), which was made public by pointer John (The term "Pointer" is a title given to the leader of the spiritual Baptist churches in S.V.G); Mr. John, being the victim and complainant in this allegation.

I have a bold suspicion, if the Hon. Arnhim Eustace remains true to his convictions, his parental training, his value and his sense of fairness he has became noted for, then justice will be done, many wrongs will be made right and all those who were denied justice because the perpetrators of injustice, used their political affiliation, their office, their social status and personal influence to aid the miscarriage of Justice thus denying the poor, the down trodden and the weak of their rights to exist without fear and intimidation in the country of their birth.

We all know that Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves, is like a magician, he always has some type of trickery up his sleeves, not for the development of the country’s economy or to grow the country’s resources but something he could use to save his own hide from lady Justice. We saw the PhD holding Prime Minister who is: Ralph Gonsalves, manipulated the Director of Public Prosecution causing him to deny the female police officer and the female Canadian human rights lawyer their day in court and the opportunity to sought justice for wrongs allegedly inflicted upon them by him (Ralph Gonsalves).

As we all know, the Director of Public Prosecution has the prerogative, to revisit these cases at anytime and for any just reason he or she may reopen the investigation or cause such offender to be prosecuted, especially if such is in the public interest.

Here are some justifiable reasons for which the D.P.P can reopen an investigation and cause the prosecution of a matter that was withdrawn by his office and they are as follows: If he/she (the D.P.P) had miscalculated and made a bad decision not to prosecute, he can so change his mind and cause the offenders to be prosecuted, if there is no status of limitation associated with that particular offence. If there is a statue of limitation attached, he can still prosecute the offenders, if the legal time wherein to do so, has not yet elapse. If the D.P.P was of the professional opinion that the previous D.D.P err in his judgment not causing the prosecution of an offender for whatever reason, he can also change his mind and cause the prosecution of the offender; if there is no status of limitation associated with that particular offence or if there is an emergence of new and related evidence and he is of the opinion that a jurist should be given the opportunity to hear all of the evidence and to made a decision base on the evidence available.

If and when there is a change of Government in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, I am sure it will be the cry of the public, for the power that be to change the current Commissioner of Police and the Director of Public Prosecution. With these offices filled with strong honest men, who are not corrupted by the influence of Ralph Gonsalves, who unethically secure the appointment of those who now hold those offices; then the public is going to call for fresh investigation into these matters and possible prosecution of the offender or offenders.

We also know Ralph E. Gonsalves, took the liberty to appointed men and woman whom he has manipulative control over, into key and strategic independent offices in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and he did this with the objective of his appointee cleaning up after him. This was evident in the actions that were displayed when the Chief in charge of the Financial Investigation Unit, ignored numerous calls from opposition politician especially the opposition leader Hon. Arnhim Eustace and John public, who provided documentation to support allegations of illegal transaction (suspected money laundering) at the then nation’s bank: The National Commercial Bank by members of the U.L.P government and others closely associates of the Unity Labor party.

We have seen how the commissioner of police refused to order a fair and impartial investigation of the criminal allegations that was brought against Ralph E. Gonsalves; his premature press release, wherein the said commissioner publicly declared Ralph Gonsalves’ innocence even before the investigation officially began; he also caused the victims to be treated as if they were criminals and the alleged criminal like the victim. We have also seen the refusal of the D.P.P to direct the police to properly investigate the allegations, he also failed to prosecute the offender, after he (the D.P.P) had obtained more than the required standard of evidence that is needed for such matter to be taken before the court and he took the liberty to go outside the realms of his authority to discontinue a private criminal matter that was brought against the PM by his alleged victims.

Now what is Ralph to do? Barring countering up some type of unrest which can legally allow him to postpone election until it is once again safe to do so. With the creation of a police state in order to quiet the self imposed unrest; Ralph can also use such conditions to arbitrarily and indefinitely deny the people of their right to elect representatives of their choice, or he can seek political asylum in Cuba, Venezuela or Iran. Barring these options, Gonsalves may very well pull a Yasin Abu Bakr on us. In that, he may have the Governor General grant him a pardon form prosecution from all allegations that were made against him or any criminal offenses he may have committed before he took office as well as during the period he was Prime Minister.

If we remember well; on July 27th 1990, Yasin Abu Bakr staged a coup in Trinidad and Tobago, which left 24 people dead, including the Member of Parliament of Diego Martin: the Hon. Les Des Vignes. Later Bau Bakr and his group were charged with treason, murder among other offences. However Abu Bakr and his associates were release when High Court Judge; Justice Clebert Brooks release them on the ground that Abu Bakr and his associates was beneficiary of a presidential pardon. What did Privy Counsel said about this ruling?

So with the above information in mind what is Ralph E Gonsalves ought to do? Should her sit around and wait for the N.D.P to form government by the poles and eventually face criminal allegation of rape and sexual assault or should he run or deny the people of the constitutional rights to choose a government by the ballot.

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