Leader of the OppositionArnhim Eustace Prime Minister Gonsalves
I have always held fast to the opinion that Ralph E. Gonsalves, is an ambitious man but he is incompetent in the field in which he now practice: Politic; however, he managed to persuade many people to the contrary. Not through rational actions but by lip service, well targeted propaganda and the exhibition of insignificant projects. For example; from since Ralph E. Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party (ULP) took the reigns of Government; the St. Vincent and the Grenadines, economy have seen a steady decline. Instead of properly managing and growing the country’s resources, the world’s greatest micro miss-manager: Ralph E. Gonsalves, have concerned himself with investing, the state resources, in projects that only help to drain, scares funds from the economy. It is important to note, no project that can cause a financial return to the economy was implemented. Unfortunately; the chief reason for his action was to ensure he won the December 2010 general election, which he narrowly won. In order to secure his narrow victory, in an ailing economy, Gonsalves took the last 5 years, went around the country, demolishing and rebuilding community centers etc. While he do this the unemployment rate rose, he slap tax (VAT) on basic commodity and as if things could not have gotten worse, the government is unable to provide the basic essentials for its population. While Prime Minister Gonsalves was busy; foolishly spending money to ensure he won the next election, the country’s economy went into a free fall and we are fast plunging in to what is considered a Haiti like abyss.
So when the young people sit on the block unemployed and broke and their idleness cause thoughts of illegal activities to be manufactured in their heads; a means of occupy their free time and satisfying their financial need; when the elderly and other members of the community who contracts and suffers from basic illnesses, which they are unable to sought medical attention for, while members of the community walk about the country hoping the hunger pain will be dealt with and when the farmers and other business people, invest their time and resources in enterprise and because of the poor state of the economy; they are unable to recover their basic operational cost, which may results in the lost of their investments; they have the consolation of looking at the new community centers and police stations etc.
It is said that a statesman plans with the next generation in mind; while a politician plans with the next election in mind. It is the hope that every politician take as little time as possible to be developed into a states-person.
While listening to the leader of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines parliamentary opposition: the hon. Arnhim Eustace’s presentation in the house of Parliament, and while addressing the matter of the National Insurance Scheme (N.I.S) which is St. Vincent and the Grenadines nation’s insurance and retirement program; it was borne out by the leader of the opposition that the level of the contribution that is made, by the members of the N.I.S was to small. He also pointed out that in some cases, after eighteen months in retirement, most retiree exhaust his or her total contribution made to the scheme in benefits received. If something is not done soon, the program will soon go bankrupt. He also suggested to the house, if the N.I.S is to continue, to serve the people, who it was instituted to serve, the contribution of workers have to be increased.
Arnhim Eustace was not being a politician when he offered this piece of advise to Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves but he was putting on display as his custom is; the qualities of a true statesman. This brought me to a point made by renowned lawyer Andrew Cummings, while giving analytic commentary on the evening of the December 13, 2010 (Election night) a comment which was supported by all of the election analyst that made up the panel: “You could not fine a more decent and respectable man then Arnhim Eustace, he is totally opposite in character to Ralph Gonslaves, but it seems like the people of the Caribbean are not appreciative of politicians with these qualities.”
Arnhim Eustace realized that he was unable to save the nation’s bank: The national Commercial Bank, from the economically destructive hands of Ralph E. Gonsalves; which went belly up, and was eventually sold to foreigners. An occurrence, which devastated the pride and dignity of St. Vincent and Vincentian at home and aboard; hence the reason the hon. Leader of the opposition put forward his suggestion to the house of parliament and to all Vincentian.
I was shock when I heard Ralph Gonsalves interjected and asked the leader of the opposition, what percentage increase he would agree to. Is this how Ralph Gonsalves decide to run his government, by seeking agreement with the opposition; whether or not such agreement is in the best interest of the country? What is important is; Ralph Gonsalves has the information as it relates to the true state of economic of the country; Arnhim Eustace does not, yet he is seeking to reach common ground on such an important matter without proper research and the relevant studies.
Ralph Gonsalves- let me bring to your attention, what you obviously do not know. Good governance dictates that you do a critical analysis of the states to affairs of the country and base of the health of the economy or lack there of, standard projections, fix and variable expenditure, scales of salaries; cost of living etc. then you as Prime Minster, ought to do what is in the best interest of the country; it is not for you to seek common ground with the opposition even before you do your critical assessment or your due diligence. Mr. Gonsalves you are fully aware that the opposition does not have access to the required information that will afford them the capacity to make an informed and rational decision, which is applicable to the St. Vincent situation.
With the economic and the managerial skills, such as that which is displayed by Ralph E. Gonsalves; is there any reason St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Vincentian is now “probably”, the only country and people without control of their national bank. Can we afford to lose our National Insurance Scheme?
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